Act 1: Chapter 19

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Wither into the truth + Fanatic Heart

Riven sauntered off the busy hallway Alfea. Everyone is out of their classroom. After the news of Burned Ones lurking out of the barrier got out, the committee has decided to start training the students-- fairies and specialist alike, for the preparation of the impending attack. Just like the old times on Alfea where every specialist was partnered with Fairy and they will fight side-by-side.

Riven just wished Astra is still here so they would get partnered with each other. Aisha had long gave up on him and his distracted self.

Riven is 2nd to the best specialist of Alfea after Sky and they are not far in terms of skills. So, him being nearly killed by dummy burned one multiple times shocks all of his acquaintances.

He was woken up with series of loud knocks and then it happened very fast, with Astra being literally forced out by the Queen's men. The light fairy put up a fight but considering the professionalism and how well-trained the Imperial guards were, she lost. Queen Luna is really serious of pulling out all of her daughter from the academy.

"Wait, don't freaking touch me!" he could still remember how Astra trashes around as the imperial guard catches her with their strong limbs.

"I'm not coming with you! I don't want to go back to that prison!" she even tried using her magic but one of the guards had snapped a magical handcuff on both of her arms, snatching her the ability to conjure her magic.

"That's unfair!" she shriek, trashing around even more harder, kicking some of the guys on their shin as she tries to free herself but the imperial guards were more trained and stronger so it didn't do anything but slow the process.

"Riven help me! I don't want to go back!" Astra had called for him but he was being held by 2 imperial guards.

"What are you doing? Why aren't you helping me? Are you dumb?"

Sitting on the quartet's usual table, Riven now finally realize how lonely he is right now. Beatrix, well let's just say that he didn't want anything to do with her after he had learned about her crime. Dane was being hard too, with his constant jab and insults, Riven chose to distant himself. And Astra, he was up in the clouds last night, him sleeping with the girl he likes in one room. Riven swears he acts like a teenage girl who has a crush with the popular jock whenever he's around with her. He had slept with a plenty of girls in the past but just the thought of him and Astra in one room, although not in the same bed stirs something inside of him. What are you doing with me, Woman?

"What?" he was pulled back from his train of thoughts by the loud and dramatic gasp behind him followed by the second person sushing them.

He was about to ignore it when something picks his attention, or rather, someone's name, "It's true. I've overheard Dowling and Queen Luna talking earlier. Unfortunately, the Queen withdrew all of her troops because the car that was supposed to pick up Astra was attacked. All of the men were found dead but no trace of Astra."

Riven jumped off from his chair, turning his body towards the gossiping fairies a little bit harsher than he expected but he ignores it, closing the distance between the tables with his long legs, "What do you mean?" he demanded.

Aisha, who was the one talking with Musa and Terra flinches, unknowingly cowering against the death glare of the senior specialist, "R-Riven."

"I didn't ask you to repeat my name. What are you saying about Astra being lost?" he pushed with conviction.

Aisha look at her friends for confirmation, Musa was the one to respond with a short nod so the water fairy turn towards the specialist, "Earlier, I overheard Headmistress Dowling and Queen Luna conversing. She withdrew her troops all of the sudden and Dowling was pissed. Then Queen Luna admitted that there has been an accident while transporting the 2nd Princess. The ride were attacked, all of the imperial guards were mauled to death. Some were even unrecognizable by how gruesome and mutilated they look. There was no trace of Astra aside from her broken phone that was found 15 meters away from the site. They suspected that the wild animals lurking on the forest were the one to blame and they fear that they won't going to see the 2nd Princess alive so Queen Luna needs all of her troop to comb the forest to find the missing princess as fast as they can." Aisha explained.

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