Ferverish Temptation

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Louise: Hey Saito can you wash these clothes for me

Saito: Yeah sure *Leaves the room to wash Louise's clothes*

Yn: Hey Louise

Louise: Yeah

Yn: I just wanted to say thank you for you and Saito watching me 

Louise: You're very welcome Yn I know that you wanted to prove yourself against Guiche but please be careful next time

Yn: Of course Louise

Louise smiles and she get's dressed and then Saito is looking at a group of students and their familiars

Louise: Hey Saito how's the clothes doing

Saito: Just finished washing them and I was just going to dry them

Yn: Looks like your already use to this life style 

Saito: Well who knows if we can go back to our world

Louise: Well anyway I'll meet you two at my class

Yn and Saito: Yes Louise

Kirche and Tabitha walk outside with Kirche looking at you with a loving smile and you look towards her and you waved at her and she waves back and blows you a kiss

Yn: The hell was that about

Saito: Looks like someone has a crush on you man

Yn: Who that red hair chick why would she be interested in me

Saito: Well considering she was looking at with hearts in her eyes when you were fighting Guiche

Yn: She want's me that bad huh, hopefully she isn't a Yandere 

Saito: That's the last thing you need right now

The both of you walk towards Louise's class and you two get there with you and Saito sitting next to Louise and the teacher explains the elements to the class with Louise taking notes while you were scrolling through your transformations on the Omnitrix while Saito is trying his best to understand but also taking notes of the lesson with the teacher asking the students of the shapes of combining the elements are

Yn: *Raises hand* Yes ma'am I will, *Stands up* Two elements combined equal's a line, Three elements combined equal's a triangle, and Four elements combined equal's a square

Teacher: Very good Mr. Ln, Even though your not a student you still was able to get the right answer well done

Kirche: Excuse me ma'am there's one student here that can't control one element yet but I know she has the potential to control at least one in given time

The students look at Louise and not making fun of her this time but actually giving her hope that she can control an element which Louise smiles at this meaning she is not going to be make fun of anymore

Timeskip with you training as Shock rock  

Louise: I'm glad that both of you are behaving very well which is why I'll be giving you both a reward soon

Saito: Thanks Louise but you don't have to do that 

Yn: Yeah you don't have to go that far 

Louise: I know but both of you deserve a reward because of your well behavior 

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