familiar powers

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if you din't know Saito from the anime has the ability from his runes on his hand that allows him to use any weapon and vehicle well it has been shown that Saito is able to use a fighter jet already knowing how to use it and so I wanted to give the reader familiar powers that are different and here they are

Familiar power Shazam what this does this power allows you to have the powers of 6 gods but in the comics Shazam gained 2 new godly powers so I'm letting you have both the original powers of Shazam and the other 2 here they are

The wisdom of Solomon 

Superhuman Knowledge: Shazam has exceptional photographic recall and mental acuity allowing him to read and decipher hieroglyphics, recall everything he has ever learned and solve long mathematical equations. Instantaneously he can make intuitive guesses based on limited data; to the point his guesses are almost always correct; also he has a great understanding of divine phenomenon in the mortal world.

Clairvoyance: Shazam possesses an uncanny awareness of his circumstances that allows him to turn disadvantages into advantages.

Hypnosis: Through sheer power and magic he can hypnotize people for length of time (undetermined). Only those of great willpower can overcome this ability.

Omni-lingual: He can speak every language known to humans as well as ancient or dead languages and is able to understand alien

    The strength of Hercules 

Superhuman Strength do I really need to explain

Stamina of Atlas

Self-Sustenance: He does not need to eat, sleep, or breathe as Shazam.

Superhuman Stamina: His incredible metabolism endows him with practically infinite endurance and inexhaustible stamina.

The power of Zeus

Magical Resistance: This boosts his Invulnerability and Endurance powers to god-like levels. Making him only affected by the most potent of spells and abilities.

Physical Enhancement: His muscles, height increase, weight, mass and all physical properties that differ from the reader are a magical enhancement.

Inter-dimensional Travel: This can only be used to travel to the Rock of Eternity.

Sorcery: Shazam is a creature of pure and ancient magic. This allows for his ability to resist and cast magic spells, Zeus's Lightning being the most notable.

Advanced Healing: If he is injured in battle he may call on the magical lightning to heal himself and mend wounds. If wounded, his divine and supernatural energies enable him to recover at other worldly speed.

Courage of Achilles

Invulnerability: Shazam is virtually invulnerable, and resistant to all types of physical injuries. His resilience to damage is on par with beings such as Superman, but without the weaknesses.

The speed of Mercury

Superhuman Speed: He can move at incredible speeds making him at least fast enough to race the Flash on foot. Shazam can move fast enough to render himself invisible and seemingly vanish and disappear at will. Even Superman himself (who is one of the fastest beings on Earth) admitted Shazam as faster than him, and even considered him fast enough to catch an unstoppable Flash.

Flight: Shazam can also mystically fly through the atmosphere. This enables him to soar effortlessly sub-orbital levels and travel across the planet in blinding speed. He can travel through space, but has sometimes uses devices to ease communication during interstellar travel.

The strength of  S'ivaa

Superhuman strength 

your super strength is combined of S'ivaa and Hercules making you stronger able to lift anything 

The flames of H'ronmeer

Fire control and manipulation you can make weapons from fire, you can blast your opponents with fire pretty much anything you can think of what you can do with fire

what you look like when turn into Shazam

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