The Horrible Maze Game Part 2

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"Okay sure" I say with a smile. He begins to ask "are you sure little girl?" He said with a deep,scartchy voice. A shiver goes down my spine and I think to myself "am I really sure?" He stood there with a smirk watching with his red,deep scary eyes. I look up at him and say "i-im sure". He grinned and said follow me then. I nodded and walked after him with a bit of hesitation. He walked and walked as I followed him then he stopped. I quickly stopped myself as well right before I knocked into him. After stopping I backed up a bit and looked at where we were. With a bit of curiosity and questioning voice I ask "where are we?". He quickly looked at me with a straight flash then his eyes stated to glow. The man started to laugh and I became scared and frightened and at this point I wanted to scream. With a sudden movement of my legs I jump back quickly and look at him very scared. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING" I screamed loudly at him as I shivered in complete fear. Then I pulled out a knife that I always carry with me and gripped it tightly. He looked and laughed loudly and started floating in the air and a sudden gas comes out. I became drowsy and passed out.

Cliff hangerrr
You can kill me now lol
Well umm I'll get to work apparently I will end up to make a part 3
Which was not my original plan
Um I'll get to work immediately
I love all you lovely readers

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