Eva's Club

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Lady arrived at Dante's office the next day with a happy heart. She had stayed up last night longer than anticipated, planning what she would do with all the money she now had. Definitely get herself a pair of new boots, a new ceiling fan and some nice bath salt for sore muscles and pampering. Maybe little something for Dante for coming up with that fake sex plan and wanting to share the goods fifty-fifty. Lady walked into the office with small bounces, tossing her backpack on Dante's sofa.

"Dante!" she called him when he was nowhere to be seen. "I'm here for my share!"

Dante's head peeked from the backroom's door with a pleased smile.

"Perfect timing. I have a new gig for you," Dante announced, going back to the backroom to rummage through something.

"Oh? From that grumpy jealous lady?" Lady asked, hands on her hips.

"Yup!" Dante's voice came from the room. He rummaged through something more, cursing quickly when he dropped or knocked something over – Lady couldn't say which one it was – until he came out, closing the door.

"I'm all ears," Lady said, sitting on the sofa next to her bag. She took it, opened it and showed it to Dante. "But first, the money, Dante. Chop-chop! Mister Baggy is hungry for some fresh cash."

"Oh, then Mister Baggy will be even happier later," Dante said, tossing Lady's share of the money in a plastic bag to her. "Turns out Mrs. Attenborg really, really, really hates her ex-husband."

"Figures," Lady replied, not really paying attention to Dante. Her focus was on the plastic bag's content, eyes shimmering with delight at the heaviness of the bag.

Dante dropped down next to Lady on the sofa, his legs crossing.

"So, Mrs. Attenborg arrived here pretty much foaming from her mouth after hearing about her ex-husband's party and the demon-human sex with the attempt of siring a new Sparda," Dante began. Lady hummed, counting her money.

"You did tell her it was fake?"

"I hinted that even the demon stud that I am, just popping babies out here and there isn't exactly the same as ordering a cup of coffee. She laughed, saying she wasn't interested in that, and actually apologized for her ex-husband's idiotic idea, as I recall her calling it. It seems The Ladies of Sparda are more interested in Eva and her role in this whole family business of mine."

"Sounds still suspiciously like that Sparda fanclub", Lady noted. Dante agreed.

"Jealousy makes you do crazy things, like establishing a rivaling fanclub to oppose your husband's little hobby. Are you ready for the crazy idea that Mrs. Attenborg suggested to me?"

This time, Lady's head turned to Dante whilst she kept holding on her pile of money in the middle of counting its notes.

"More demon-human parties?" Lady offered.

"Yup. She's one jealous old hag in a fancy dress with diamond rings," Dante explained, his hand drawing absently some weird movements in the air as he was trying to capture a way to tell his news. "Quite frankly, Mrs. Attenborg wants the same party as her ex-husband got."

Lady's eyes widened.

"More kinky voyeurism?" she cried, hands dropping down to her lap. "Dante, are you serious?"

"I asked the same from her and guess what she said?" Dante leaned his head closer to Lady. "I don't care. Whatever my idiotic ex-husband paid for you, I'll double it. Minus the desire to have any babies. Just an act of love and desire between a human and a demon."

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