episode 1 , season 2

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     The drive from Hillerska back to the castle was quiet. It was just Wilhelm and his bodyguard, Malin, sitting in the backseat of the big black car that came and took Wilhelm away for the Christmas holidays. Took him away from Simon.

Tears rolled down his cheeks as he starred out the window, he didn't want he blonde woman in uniform sitting next to him to see him. He was embarrassed for crying.

I hope you have a nice Christmas.

What did that even mean? He knew Simon had every right to be mad at him but he really did believe the other boy loved him just the same, the young prince had obviously thought wrong. What was he left to do now? Nothing but cry.

He was lost, he couldn't talk to his friends about this. His own cousin, August had betrayed him. The one person he could trust besides his brother. Erik. Wilhelm thought of what Erik would do right now, what would he say? He hates to think Erik would be just as let down as his parents were about the whole situation. His body cringes at the thought of Erik seeing the video and being disgusted at what his brother did with another boy. However another part of him deep down knows that despite being devoted to their family and the monarchy, Erik would be understanding.

He would have helped Wilhelm and took his hand, whispering assuring things. But Erik was gone, there was no one left who Wilhelm could reach for. Not his brother, not his own parents and now not even Simon. The only person at that godforsaken school who Wilhelm actually felt like he could talk to.

They had a different bond. Other than the two boys  liking each other, they had a connection so intimate that Wilhelm knew was nothing but pure love. Even maybe more, if that's even possible.

The last moments between him and Simon flash through his head the whole car ride.

I love you

I hope you have a nice Christmas

I love you

I hope you have a nice Christmas

I love you

I hope you have a nice Christmas

I love you....

Isn't he supposed to say it back?

He's snapped back to reality as the vehicle slows down in front of the grand white palace Wilhelm had once called home. It hadn't been his home for months now, he found comfort in Hillerska even though he use to dread being there. It was where Simon was and Wilhelm had found a sense of belonging and happiness in the other boy.

The queen, his mother was standing there. She had told Wilhelm she would be there to greet him.

As the car came to a stop, the chauffeur got out of the front seat and opened the princes door for him. Wilhelm smiled slightly at him before locking eyes with his mother.

"Mama," Wilhelm said softly before they both embraced each other tightly.

He felt his mother rub his back momentarily before pulling away, "Wilhelm." She said with a sort smile, it faded quickly. The queen gave his hand a squeeze before pulling away entirely and walking up the palace steps. He frowned.

Wilhelm had no idea how his mother felt about the situation. He knew it was causing he quite some trouble, but it was for the rest of the family as well especially Wilhelm himself. But, besides the drama and controversy, he had no idea how she felt about the prince being with another boy in that way.

He was afraid to ask because Wilhelm knew she was not ok with it.


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