Skate the infinity and stars align

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ITS TIME so at the beginning of pride month I said I was going to watch tv shows/movies that has lgbtq+ representation. Now that doesn't mean I wasn't going to review things with lgbtq+ representation in it after i did this but I wanted a way to find a way to prioritize things with lgbtq+ representation during pride month and this was all I could come up with. Now I don't normally review the representation part of shows but stars align made want to talk about the representation so I guess I will review the representation in the shows that I picked so let us begin:

Skate the infinity- skate the infinity is an amazing story about racing with skateboards. I wish reki the main character had some improvement regarding his skateboard skills like maybe have joe teach him a few tricks or something. I also wish the gay representation was a little more present I mean the creators confirmed reki was gay but I felt there should've been more.

Stars align- THIS HAS AMAZING REPRESENTATION!!! The main character is amazing at being supportive and accepting when the character's sexuality is brought up on top of that the main character is amazing period. He looks out for his teammates and understanding to them as well. The story is amazing and tennis games are super entertaining to watch. Everyone goes through their own issues in this anime and you get attached to them quick. This is an amazing anime i highly recommend but I will say tigger warnings for three things. Abuse appears a lot in this show so if you are triggered I wouldn't watch this. It also handles transphobia and homophobia but it isn't really prevalent has the abuse in this but if you are watch this be aware of these trigger warnings.

I give skate the infinity a 9/10 and has for stars align it gets a 10/10. I hope enjoyed this review and I hope if you do decide to watch stars align please be wary of the trigger warnings.

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