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My name is nat. And here's my story
"Wake up nat your gonna be late for school" my mother yelled from downstairs. "Yeah mom I know I'm up" I said and got up. After I was done getting ready I walked to school. I already saw deena walking up to her locker and I said hi. She said hi back. I walked to the bathroom and I got scared my Kate and Simon. "Boo!" Simon and Kate said "holy shit guys could you give me a warning next time?!" "Chill out nat it was just a joke" Simon said giggled. They started saying some words that were written on the stall. "Guys heather died I CANT believe you guys are making a joke out of this" I said "but the guy was wearing a Halloween skull mask. How is that not fun!" Asked Simon "yeah but heather still died." I thought about it for a second "well I guess we could make something good about it. I mean I think heather wouldn't want us moping around about her death she would want us to be happy." I said smiling a little "exactly" said Simon with a smile on his face "okay love birds it's time to go to class" said Kate. I blushed sorta "come on Kate stop being a child" said said sorta sarcastically. I could tell that Simon liked what Kate said about us. We walked out. "Hey nat come here" said deena "yeah what's up" i said "I need you to give this to Sam tonight" deena said "why don't you give it to her?" I asked "because I quit band it was stupid" she said rolling her eyes "no I'm not getting into your ex drama shit do it yourself" I said "just wear your uniform one last time and you'll be done." I said with a smile and walked away. We were in the gym and the principal was talking about a memorial for the people who died last night. I looked at Kate and deena and deena put a finger gun to her head and shot with it
Time skip
We were on the bus and I was sitting by the window. I was a cheerleader but not one of those stuck up bitchy ones. I was looking out the window and I saw Simon and his face was painted green. "Hey nat can I sit with you." He said with a smile "yeah of course" I said back he had a broom too "that's really funny" I said laughing. "Serah feir?" I asked still giggling "how did you know" he said smiling "hey love birds sorry to interrupt but" and then I stopped listening "hey nat did you hear what I said?" Kate said "no I didn't" I said back "I said you and Simon should just kiss already" Kate said with a smirk "alright" I said smiling and I pulled Simon in for a two second kiss. Kate looked surprised that I actually did it. Simon had a shocked look on his face. I me and Kate looked down and "holy shit your hard Simon!" Kate whisper shouted so that only me and Simon could hear. Simon was blushing and I started laughing. I kissed him again and he kissed back. "So what does this mean Simon" Kate asked him "nat would you like to be my girlfriend?" Simon asked shyly "of course simon" I said smiling "wow now you guys are real love birds" Kate said "hey what's up dorks" I heard deena say "well Simon just asked nat to be his girlfriend and she said yes" Kate said "wow finally o was about to ask nat if she was gonna be his girlfriend if he didn't" deena said with a slight smile.
Deenas POV
I walked back to my seat. I was a little hurt because I have a little crush on nat but it's okay.
Me and Simon were holding hands the rest of the trip. (Cheesy ik) finally we got there. Deena me Kate and Simon all got off the bus. All of us went to the feild where the mayor of Sunnyvale was hosting the memorial. I looked over and deena and she was stomping over to me and stood next to me. "What happened deena?" I said worried "kiss me nat" she said "what" I said back "kiss me" she said and kissed me. I kissed back which was a mistake when I was done I looked in front of me and there was Sam. She was pissed and deena was taking me to this place that was secluded "deena what the fuck was that about" I said "you know I'm dating Simon" I said "yeah I just used you to get back at Sam alright" she said looking away. I was hurt. Like a different type of hurt. "Oh" I said with no expression and walked back to the crowd. I could hear deena yelling but if she really wanted me to stay she would have ran after me so I kept waking. "Hey babe where were you?" Said Simon "oh deena just wanted to talk about Sam" I said and smiled "oh okay" he put his arm around me. I heard some people bickering about shady side and Sunnyvale and all of a sudden I hear a punch. Simon goes up to this kid and smacks him with his broom and flips him off. Then the kid runs after him. Next thing I hear is Kate screaming and someone punches her in the face so I start attacking the dude.
Time skip
I hear Kate going on a rant about Sunnyvale and how we're gonna kill them. I see deena laying down. Fuck deena I hate her. In the corner of my eye I see a car on our ass. Deena gets up "guys come here" deena says while still looking at the car. "It's those Sunnyvalers." I said "and....Sam!?" Says deena Simon pulls down his pants and moons them while Saying "Sunnyvale sucks!" And all of a sudden they start throwing drinks and shit at the back of the bus. Deena grabbed the cooler "Kate, open the door" deena said with the cooler. "Kate open the door!" Deena shouts. Kate opens the door and deena goes in the middle about to drop it "three-" deena says "deena!" Kate shouts "two-" deena says " deena! Your noes!" Kate screams deena gasped and dropped the cooler. It hit the car behind us and they served to the left. "Stop the bus!" Deena shouted at the bus driver.

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