Chapter 11: Trace it if you want, I dare you.

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"Wait. What does that mean to me? Why didn't anything happen to me, I mean I'm not complaining but does that mean they're planning something huge for me? Oh my god. Someone's going to kill me!" Peyton panicked. "Calm down, it probably means whatever is going to you hasn't happened yet." Madelyn replied. Peyton, Scarlett and Ellie stared at her in disbelief. "What? So I'm just meant to sit around and wait for all my hair to be shaven off, or, or maybe my food poisoned. I can't just wait! I'm freaking out!" said Peyton as she threw her head back onto her pillow.

"Wait! Jeremy!" Scarlett screamed. "What?" "Who?" They all answered confused. "Jeremy, you know him." She said waiting for them all to remember but all she was getting was confused face stares. "The guy who was in my photography class last term? He's so technical and knows everything about phones and computers, what if I ask him to see if he can hack in and see where and who the texts are coming from!" She said. "It's worth a try!" Peyton said. "Wait, but you can't tell him anything! Like if he asks 'who knows what you did?' 'what did you actually do that was so bad?' , you have to lie or something!" Madelyn said. "Duhh, of course! I'll call him up now and tell him to meet me somewhere." Scarlett said.

Scarlett sat out on a plastic seat in the shade under a table umbrella in her favourite place to eat 'Lean Greens'. She was waiting to meet Jeremy to discuss the whole phone situation. A few minutes later she recognised a six foot tall blonde guy walk towards her. She looked up into the sun, unable to make out if it was him. "Hey Scarlett." He smiled down at me. "Jeremy, hey! Thanks for meeting me!" I smiled as he sat in the seat opposite me. "No problem, what's up?" He said as he motioned one of the servers to come over. "Well. Long story. Basically, in a nut shell, my friends and I are getting these weird texts from someone, we have to clue who and it's getting to the point where we're nearly scared to leave the house. I was wondering whether you'd be able to check it out and see if you could trace where it's coming from or who's sending it?" I said. "Oh, wow." He said, rubbing his head. "Eh, yeah sure I suppose I could, do you have the phone with you?" He asked. I reached into my bag and handed it to him. He pressed a few buttons. "It's gonna take me a few hours probably." He said. "That's okay! If you're done with it by tonight I can swing by and collect it." I replied. "Cool!" He smiled. He turned his head down to my feet. "Uh, what happened?" He said while pointing to my foot. "Oh, em, I just dropped a weight. I'm clumsy." I smiled.

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