Kaeya- Saviour of Desire

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"𝕀𝕗 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕖𝕧𝕖𝕣 𝕟𝕖𝕖𝕕 𝕞𝕖, 𝕝𝕖𝕥 𝕞𝕖 𝕜𝕟𝕠𝕨"

【A continuation of Family Obsession】

ꜱʟɪɢʜᴛ ɢᴏʀᴇ ᴀɴᴅ ʙʟᴏᴏᴅ ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢ!

 You have been in Diluc's house for a few months, he was starting to get frustrated with how you refused to cooperate with him. He hardly preformed his duty as the Dark Knight Hero and as a winery owner in order to convince you to love him again.

"I'm sorry about your knees, I didn't mean to hurt you," Though the apology was sincere, he has said this many times and it never made a difference to you, "What can I do to make it up to you? Just talk to me!"

 He slammed the wall next to you, he always does this when he gets frustrated. This happens so often that there was a hole there. Your voice was very hoarse and you could barely muster out, "Let me go."

 He let out a sigh before chuckling, "Oh... you know I can't do that darling."

 You let your head hang low again, you've lost all hope. You were filthy, hungry, and weak. Everyday it was the same, Diluc would greet you in the morning to feed you breakfast and that was all you got because you refused to comply with him. Then you'd pass out until night time when he greets you at night, then you'd fall asleep eventually after he tries to coax you to love him again. Rinse and repeat as they say.

 But something was different today, the entrance to Dawn Winery slammed opened and a familiar voice was heard, "Y/n? Y/n! Where are you?"

 "Kaeya..." Diluc sneered at the name, so much loathing and hatred in that name. Diluc grabbed his claymore and walked out the door.

 You tried to scream, all that came out was whimpers, "Kae...ya..."

 You could hear grunts and the sound of metal being hit against each other. At one point you heard Diluc yell, "BURN!" And there was fire. You could hear Kaeya trying his best to put it out, but from what you could tell it was a disadvantage.

 "You know, on that day when father died and I admitted who I really was I wanted you to kill me!" It sounded like Kaeya was struggling.

 "You swore an oath to never step on these grounds again! I should've finished the job!"

 "Well now I wish I had finished you," A grunt was heard, you weren't sure what happened next, you blinked and Kaeya was in front of you untying the ropes that had kept you trapped in this hell for months. Your body could barely move but with the last of your strength you hugged and collapsed on the knight.

 The next time you woke up you were in your own home with Kaeya carrying what seemed to be hot soup just for you, "Ah~ I see someone is awake."

 You quickly consumed the soup and sighed in satisfaction, you felt much better, still somewhat fatigued, but better, "Thank you..."

 He sat in a chair beside your bed, it was silent, until Kaeya broke it of course, "Well, do you trust what I say now?"

 "Are you seriously joking at a time like this?" Though now that you thought about it, this is good; he's teasing you again, back to normal.

 "I'm sorry, you're right... are you ok?"

 "Yeah... I think so," You coughed, your throat was dry. Kaeya quickly grabbed some water and handed it to you, but you slapped it out of his hand, causing the glass to shatter, "I-I'm so sorry..."

 "I can only guess why you did that, but I have a clear idea. Is there anything I can do to help?"

 "What happened to Diluc?"

 "He's fine, he'll stay away from you for a while. I asked the Acting Grandmaster if I could be relieved of most of my duties so I could keep an eye on you for a while, to make sure you're safe,"

 "Thanks... Oh by the Archons what am I going to do?"


 "I just lost the man I was so deeply in love with, I never got any red flags from him, and then I find out he's an obsessive creep?" Kaeya placed a hand over yours.

 "Well, you could be like me and start anew," He looked into your eyes and smiled. You never noticed but you felt like the universe was in his eye. Thinking about it, you were so love-struck by Diluc you hardly noticed anything about Kaeya. Like the way his hair elegantly flowed over his shoulder, or how delicate he was whenever he touched you, or how soft his lips looked whenever he smiled your way.


 "Yes darling?" He didn't hesitate with that one, of course, he's teasing again. Even though Diluc used to call you that, when Kaeya says it, you feel safer.

 "Can you stay tonight?" You scooted over in your bed, not needing to hear another word, Kaeya climbed in with you.

 He placed his hand on your cheek and rubbed it softly with his thumb, you never caught sight of the way he looked at you. Whenever he caught you in his eye, it would soften for you, and only you, there was so much love in his eye. You never saw it but he always looked at you that way, even when you were in love with Diluc. He never changed the way he saw you.

 "They say the eye is a gateway to one's soul, is that what you're trying to see right now? My soul?" He gave that smirk that always drives you crazy.

 "Hm, you're crazy, I like that,"

 "I like you,"

 "I like you too," He placed a kiss on your forehead as the two of you slowly drifted off to sleep.

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