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Finding memories imprinted along my fingers
The way our hands fit together perfectly
Remembering the warmth of our palms facing each other
Ghosts of kisses along my neck, phantoms of scratches form on my back
Reaching for a home without a roof
You are a ghost of my past
Your laughter echoes through my body in an empty room
Find my heart speeding up when your apparition passes me by
Barely caressing my arm
then vanishing
You've left me again
Left me with the tattoos of your broken love
The shape of your hand on my cheek
The way you breathed ever so sweet
The warmth of your lips on mine
Never to be shown again in time
You are a revenant of the past
Never allowing me to forget
But always promising me regret
A wraith of my imagination
You come and go
never leaving me

poems of a bipolar teenWhere stories live. Discover now