Chapter 7

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After giving a nod to Saeya in hopes of somewhat easing her desire to escape, I left the court with my sister and took refuge in the river for the next several days or so. Dealing with Annas once he had finally won was insufferable enough, but dealing with him in my position was even worse. I needed some time away before the war began. Annas was certainly still plotting, especially since he had inexplicably not noticed the gnome in the court despite me directly drawing attention to her. It was of no matter. I'd tell him later, but the war would still be on regardless.

The days I spent in the river were probably the most relaxing of my life. The river lay between the palace and the goliath territory, where no immortal would ever dare go after what Annas had done when he'd taken Kapeo. It was best to never speak of the fires, and to stay within the bounds of the river. My family had always lived in the river, always been bound to Annas, and always would be. It was our duty to the god who had saved us. We had nothing else besides to stay here, forever and always, anyways. We were nymphs of this realm, and this realm only.

When my sister and I returned, there were murmurs around the court of the recently returned second wife. I thought nothing of them, and continued on with the other nymphs of the court. Nothing important had ever come of that miserable, lying, cheating illusion maker.

Annas did not look well when he entered the ballroom. The high god of trickery was wan and visibly shaken when he sat upon his throne, visibly lacking his newly found accessory. As the procession filed around, each courtier bowing before him in turn, I asked him nothing. Perhaps she had just decided to remain in her quarters for the day. I would pick his brain later, no doubt, and certainly at a price to him. Always at a price.

The other nymphs murmured at the absence of his runaway bride but said nothing. They knew better than that, and I was more than willing to reprimand them if need be.

After the daily flounce around the ballroom, Annas pulled me aside as I was exiting with the other nymphs. He looked concerned, pale, and as if he hadn't slept. Wordlessly, I nodded, and he led me to his office, where he threw himself backwards into his chair and raked a hand through his hair.

"Do you know who my sister is?" He whispered.

"No, my lord." I responded.

"Well, we are not friends. When the pantheon was created, we were the only two siblings, two gods of trickery. We split over a conflict about my grief after losing my first wife." He continued.

I nodded. The part about the first wife I knew, but for some reason I had no memory of a sister.

"I had the minds of members of the court wiped so that deserters would not seek her out. She is the only person who poses a genuine threat to me. I fear she has kidnapped my wife and now Aoife and Kapeo as well. I have a record of an unauthorized teleportation from where I assume Aoife to be currently living, and Aoife cannot teleport herself. Neither Aoife nor Kapeo have shown up to the court in two days. I fear greatly for them. Aoife, despite her shortcomings with the naga woman and now this gnome who inexplicably has my shield, is my most loyal courtier." I winced and he glanced at me. "Besides you, of course, Idaise." I nodded.

"What do you want me to do about it, my lord?" I asked quietly.

"I want you to infiltrate her court. You leave tomorrow. I will send anything you need up to your room this evening. You are dismissed." He finished. I dipped a curtsy and made a swift exit.

My quarters were different than most due to my favors to and from the king. I supplied information and company, he supplied as much money and the most luxurious things necessary. It was a good tradeoff aside from the soul-sucking aspect of it. People commented about those who disappeared from the court, but I was the one who actually put them there.

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