The Worry - Part 3 of The Breakup

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Jack stared at the piece of paper in his hands. He couldn't believe it. Morrigan felt the same way he did. She still loved him, and she's doesn't think she ever won't. And, better yet, she wants him to come home for Frank's party so they can together. She even offered up the possibility of starting their relationship afresh. He should be thrilled. But he wasn't.

Yes, he loved Morrigan and wanted nothing more than to be hers again, but he was honestly terrified. Terrified that maybe he wasn't enough. That thing wouldn't work out. He was terrified of what the others at the Deucalion might think – what did they think happened to the young couple?

He sighed and set the letter down, pulling out the small card which held all the details about Frank's party. Saturday – tomorrow – starting at five and continuing for no designated time. Typical Frank.

But tomorrow - he wasn't sure if he'd be ready by then, mentally. But he didn't want to let his love down. It was best to sleep on it, he decided. But, oh, why are decisions so hard to make?

He woke up late the following day, not feeling well-rested at all. He got up and went to the bathroom, getting ready for the day he was not prepared to face. He'd get ready for the actual party later, for now, something casual and comfortable. He looked around his dorm, finding that his dormmate wasn't there. He hadn't seen him last night either.

Grabbing an apple from the bowl of fruit on the table and Morrigan's letter from beside his bed, Jack went and sat on the seat by the window, looking out over the grounds of the college where students were gathering to spend their weekends together.

Minutes later, although it could've been hours, the door creaked as someone opened it, and Jack's dormmate walked in, frowning softly when he saw him, then offered up a sad smile.

"You're up," he noted, walking to his bed and beginning to search for something.

"Yeah... I am," Jack replied softly, not looking away from the window.

His friend frowned. He'd known Jack since their first day at Graysmark, well, first-year – Jack hadn't been very accustomed to the idea of friends, but that had changed rather quickly. They had been best friends ever since. And he had expected Jack's usual "oh, thank you, Captain Obvious, I had no idea," or some other sarcastic retort, but it hadn't come.

"You hungry?" he tried.

"Not really, thanks, though."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Tommy, I'm sure."

Tommy frowned again. He knew what it was like to go through a breakup, but then again, he'd never loved a girl quite as much as Jack loved Morrigan. He knew it was rough for him, and he'd be the supportive friend he needed.

He walked over to where Jack was sitting by the window and joined him, opening it up to let in the cool breeze of the late Autumn air.

"What's that?" Tommy asked, nodding at the letter still clasped in Jack's hand.

Jack looked at the letter and blinked.

"A letter."

"From who?"


Tommy fell silent. Exes typically didn't write letters to each other, and from what Jack had told them, they didn't leave their relationship in a good spot to be 'friends'.

"What does it say?"

He noticed Jack bite his lip and look down, and then away – something Tommy had realised something he did when he was unsure of himself or nervous. He was about to tell him that it was okay, that he didn't have to tell him when Jack took a deep breath and let the story of yesterday come tumbling out his mouth.

And Tommy sat, patiently listening to his best mate, wrapping an arm around his shoulder when his voice broke, and the tears started. Though he was confused – this was brilliant! They could get back together! Why was Jack so upset about that?

Then it came. Jack's ramble of scenarios and ideas well overthought. When he finished, Tommy wrapped his other arm around his heartbroken friend and said:

"You'll never know if you don't try, Jackie."


"Shhh, you love her, don't you?"


"Well, then it'll work out fine."


"Just trust me on this one, okay? I've been with so many different girls, and we've never worked out. But I think it's because we didn't have what you and Morrigan have."

Jack slowly nodded, sitting up and breaking the embrace as he wiped at his wet cheeks. He shot Tommy a small, grateful smile, and Tommy grinned back at him.

"You'll be late, but fashionably, so let's get you ready for this party!"




I really love these two boys' friendship... well, at least the one that I've formed in my head. Thank you for reading! I hope you're enjoying this mini-fic, two more parts to go!

Written: 13 July, 2021

Published: 15 July, 2021

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