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Okay, so I found a fic I wrote last year that I thought I could put into this fanfic book, but I decided I should check it out first and make sure it was okay, and boy am I glad I did - it was terrible! Very interestingly written. My friend read it while we were on a call together and I kept taking my earphones out, it was that embarrassing. Just ask themxderntypewriter - she was the friend. It was an awful experience, but here is the rewritten version for your enjoyment! It's a longer oneshot than my usual 600-800 ones (it's over 1500 words). Anyway, please enjoy and thank you for reading my fic/s! It means a lot to me!




As the door to her Wunsoc wardrobe swung open, Morrigan slumped in, wishing for nothing more than a break. A break from school, a break from her mind – a break from nearly everything.

It was just overwhelming.

And to make things better, she didn't have anyone to talk to about her struggles. Usually, she would go Jupiter or Jack, maybe even Fen. But. Jupiter was away, Jack was off studying for some odd job, and Fen was, well, Fen, lazing around looking grumpy, a key indicator that she did not want to be bothered.

Morrigan sighed, sitting down on her bed to take her shoes off and free her feet. She hated that both Jupiter and Jack were away so often; it really sucked. Jupiter had saved her from becoming like Squall and given her a new life in Nevermoor, and Jack, oh Jack. He made Morrigan feel happy, he nearly always had. She thought she was going to die the day he confessed that he felt the same way she did, the day they became a couple.

Laying back on her bed and allowing her body to relax, Morrigan looked over to the clock beside her bed. Five o'clock. She'd stayed back at Sub-Nine to help clean out some bookshelves in the Study Hall. It'd been utterly exhausting and dusty, but Morrigan was happy to have been able to keep a few of the history books. She should probably get changed and head down to check in with one of the Deucalion staff members, let them know she was home from school.

And hungry – she couldn't remember eating lunch.

Pulling on some leggings, a loose top and shoes, Morrigan made her way down to the lobby to ask Kedgeree if there was any news about Jupiter and even Jack, and then find Martha and, therefore, some food.

"Captain North will be away for another week or two, my apologies Miss Morrigan. And as for young Jack, his holidays are quickly approaching, are they not?"

Kedgeree gave her a small knowing smile – everyone in the Deucalion who knew Morrigan and Jack had been waiting forever for the two to finally get together and are very supportive of their relationship.

"Yeah... I just... wish he was here now," Morrigan sighed, "have you seen Martha anywhere?"

"Fourth floor, I think, serving some guests. I'll send her up with some food for you shortly."

"Thanks, Kedge."

Morrigan went back to her room, and just like Kedgeree had said, Martha arrived shortly with a tray of fruit and biscuits.

As she sat on her octopus chair munching on a gingersnap biscuit, Morrigan wondered what she was going to do this weekend. Probably the same thing she did every weekend when Jupiter and Jack were away – schoolwork, practice the Wundrous Arts, hang out with the other members of the Deucalion Family and maybe invite a friend or two over.

She remembered the last time she talked to them both, Jack about two months ago and Jupiter a week or two ago. Jupiter had promised to be back within a few days, unknowing of the urgency and difficulty of the task. But Morrigan had been expecting it – she was used to it now, and though she appreciated his optimism, she just wished Jupiter could tell exactly when he'd be back.

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