Chapter 1

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It had been close to five years since Aragorn and Legolas had been married.  Legolas counted the days until their 5th anniversary with excitement.  Yet, Aragorn was ignoring him, and it was not like him to act that way.

He did not know what he had done wrong, as the king kept his distance from him.

Something was definitely wrong; he could feel it in the air, and in his heart.

He felt like his husband was having an affair.  He did not feel important anymore to the man that he loved dearly to death.

Legolas stared at his husband on the bed, not understanding why Aragorn winced at his touch upon his bare chest.

"Estel, please love, just tell me what I did wrong?" Legolas asked softly, wishing to get an honest reply from the man that he loved.

Aragorn sighed heavily; he was not ready for it, for Legolas.  He stayed in the dark, his eyes and mouth shut.

Not knowing what else to do to get a reply from the man, Legolas moved closer to Aragorn's manhood and started sucking it to the root.

He could feel the man shiver at his touch, and Legolas knew that he had his husband's attention. He just hoped that the man would do more than moan; and save his heartache.

Legolas continued sucking Aragorn, and noticed that the man closed his eyes like he was dreaming. He yearned for his husband to look at him, confront him, and yet the man did nothing, and it angered Legolas.

Then, Aragorn moaned and mumbled something. At first, Legolas thought he heard Aragorn say his name. But it wasn’t so, and his heart missed a beat.


He finished when Aragorn's cock spilled upon his lips, then he moved away. His husband did not look at him, and that broke his heart.

Legolas was very hurt, and dressed quickly; now understanding the reason why Aragorn could not stand his touch. As he left the bedroom, he tried to gather himself together to plan on what to do next. But he knew that it would have to wait until morning.

Legolas could not stand the thought of sleeping next to his husband. So he walked down the corridor, hoping he could spend the night in the spare room.

On his way there, he heard heavy steps and heavy breathing. Legolas relaxed as he felt the dwarf's presence.

"Gimli, what are you doing awake?" Legolas asked the dwarf.

"I should ask you the same, lad," Gimli replied, grinning at his friend. “Why are you going to the spare bedroom?” He had noticed the path that the elf was taking.

"It is not like the king would notice my absence,” Legolas replied, the dwarf hearing the sadness in his voice.

"What is it my friend?" Gimli asked, noticing the lone tear that fell from Legolas's blue eyes.

Dying Leaf of Love (LOTR A/L Slash Fanfiction)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora