The Knight Challenge Part 6

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At the Solanet Town, they arrive at the Space Center Tower, a famous sight in the place. Once they get inside, the leading scientist comes and says, "President Ash. You have come."

"Hello there, Neil." Ash shakes his hand. "How is the Probe 493 doing?"

Neil says, "It is getting to the sun, we will be having a lot of data once it reaches there."

"I see. Keep up the work. I need to take the others for the Knight Challenge." Ash says as the workers all nod and leave.

The others are confused about what Ash is doing, Gladion asks, "Ash, what is that for?"

"Oh, it is just a lead of scientists observing the probe to the sun." Ash says. "With RPA funding the project, there should be no problem."

May says, "Wow...I never know that you are a part of the research."

"Professor Amo is the one who asks us to do it." Alice says. "But now enough talking, let's go to the challenge."

They head upstairs until they see 4 rockets. Lillie says, "Gary, Serena, Gladion, and Emily. Here is the first challenge. Choose a door to go inside."

Gary sends out Alakazam, Gladion sends out Silvally, Emily sends out Gardevoir and Serena sends out Delphox. The four get into each of the space shuttles, Mark and Ash go to the control center.

Misty, Iris, and Trip try to follow them into the control center, but Eve stops them and says," Don't you thinking about going in there."

"What we want to do is not your business." Misty says. "How many times we need to tell you that?"

"And how many times we tell you that it is our business when you are interfering with the challenge. As the Elite 4 and the Professor of this region, I have every right to protect challengers." Eve says.

The three grit their teeth as they can't do anything. Ash says, "Now let the challenge start."

Just then, all the rooms start to turn red as the alarms ringing. "Danger! Danger! Asteroids approaching! Asteroids approaching."

Gary asks with a little sacred voice, "What the hell is this?"

Emily notices the front glass and sees some buttons, she reads the instructions. "It seems like we need to play the game of smashing the asteroids, that sounds fun."

Serena says, "Delphox, can you help me?" Delphox nods and then the four of them start shooting.

Just then, sound effects are spreading inside the room as Dawn asks, "What is that noise?"

Lillie says, "Don't worry, the four of them are trying to destroy the asteroids that will hit the shuttle."

"That is a challenge? It sounds cool." Drew says. "I wonder why I didn't ask for this one..."

"You can try it out next time." Drandon says.

The three bullies are listening to them and Misty says, "Cool? It sounds stupid..."

After the game ends, all four of them get out of the shuttle safely as Emily says, "Wow, it is just like I am really in space."

Gladion says, "I have to admit that this one is quite good."

Mark and Ash come out and Mark says, "Now you pass the first one. Please follow us."

They follow them to another room, where there is nothing. Lillie says, "This is the non-gravitation room, the second task will be trying to float to the ceiling and press the button there. But once you tap the button, you will immediately lose gravity, so your Psychic Pokemon will need to catch you."

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