Chapter 6 Cont

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Cecilia's POV
"Mom" I say quietly walking into her room while she is editing.
"Yeah?" She says looking towards me.
"I have to tell you something" I say even quieter.
"What's wrong?" She says worried.
"Um" I say with tears coming to my eyes.
I start bawling.
"Sh sh shhhh shh, honey come here what's wrong?" She asks.
"Dad-Dad-Dad hit Katherine" I finally say.
"What?" She asks in disbelief.
"He got mad at her this morning and he hit her. He didn't apologize and I think she might have a black eye" I blubber.
"I'm calling the school" she says and gets up to leave me in the room alone.

Katherine's POV
"Katherine!" My friend Ann says.
"Yeah?" I say.
"What happened to your cheek and eye?" She asks.
"Oh, nothing" I say touching my cheek.
"Hey what's up girl?" Asks my friend Hana. "oh my goodness Kat what happened?"
"Nothing guys I'm fine"
"What's up- oh my goodness Katherine what happened?" Asks my other friends Emma, Kenz, Sophie, and Mel.
"Guys nothing happened I just ran into a pole today."
"You did not just run into a pole your wrist is swollen and your cheek and eye aren't looking so hot" says Kenz.
"Can you guys just leave me alone for a moment?" I ask.
They all back off except for Hana. she follows me into the bathroom.
"Hana I swear-"
"You are not fine Kat I know you" she says.
"Yes I am" I say returning to class with her.
"Hey Katy" asks my teacher.
"Yes?" I say.
"Your moms here to pick you up for the day"
"Okay. Will I have any homework?"
"No you can just leave" she says.
"Okay thank you" I say.
"Text me or call me Kat, I'm worried about you" says Hana.
I just nod and head out the door.

Grace's POV
I was worried about what see. If Cecilia told me what was true, I didn't know what to do about Chester.
"Mom, What are you doing here?"
Instantly I see her face.
"Let's go into the car come on" I say
We get into the car and Cecilia is in there.
"What happened to your face Katy?"
"I ran into a pole" she says hiding her hands.
I pull her hands out and see her swollen wrist. She winces.
"Who did this to you?" I ask already known what happened but wanted to see if their stories lined up.
She started crying not looking me in the face.
"You won't believe me" she says.
"Well I believed your sister when she told me what happened this morning" I say with teas threatening to come to my eyes.
"I got mad, he got mad and hit me" she says and starts to cry. Cecilia starts to cry too. Soon, we all start crying.
"Why?" I ask.
"I-I-I-I don't- dont- know why" she says.
"Come her Katy" I say hugging her bringing her close to me.
"No one will ever touch you like that again I swear. He will not be part of our lives anymore I promise"
"But mom what if it was an accident. What if his anger got the best of him."
"If it were an accident, he would've apologized."


"Look, I let my anger get the best of me I'm sorry" he says.
"You shouldn't be saying sorry to me now. You should've said sorry when you hit Katy and caused her to get a swollen wrist, black eye, and a swollen cheek"
"Well she stormed out!" He says.
"Chester, you are a parent, you have more responsibilities now than you ever will. It is your job to make sure that our daughters are safe and out of danger." I say angrily.
"Well it wasn't my fault she got angry."
Then I snapped.
And with that, we were done.

Yeah..... This shot was long and sad. but I promise there will be a wedding chapter next! I'm sorry...


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