Dry Run

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Dry Run

Look - there something bigger at stake
here than the rug
(I love you, by the way)
It's not I
didn't trust you enough to ask
I didn't trust myself
Yes, I didn't trust myself
You see,
I'm weak (yes, I am)
I'm not as confident as you'd like me to be
As I want to be
(I do love you, you know)
It was too big
It happened too fast
One little false step and
Whoosh! over the edge

It's because I love you
No, that's not fair
It's because I hate myself
(Yeah, that's it)
Every day I look in the mirror and
I say, yuck!
I think
I have this feeling
People are talking about me
They say, there goes Miss Social Misfit
Miss Socially Inept
Miss Miss The Boat Again
They laugh at me
But they're right!
Don't you see?
And although I love you
(Yes, I do)
I had to prove to them that
I'm a good sport

And I know
(since you love me and I love you, yes, I do)
that you will find it IN YOUR HEARTS
to forget about the lamp
and the hole in the door
and the ketchup in the front hall
and the mess one of them made in the sink
and the other one in the den
and all the canned goods at the bottom of the pool
and the peanuts that wrecked the filter motor

and pray that you will reward my good faith
in your kindness
and because of the love I bear for you
will not send me to a private school
as I so richly deserve

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