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Chapter Three: Peach Roses

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I woke up with a yawn and stretched my arms upward, still not ready to open my eyes and face the day. My arms fell heavily on my duck feather duvet, the air coming out of it with the movement, and I opened my eyes at last. It was quite late in the morning, for my standards at least, with the sun already having come out. I pushed the duvet off my body and got up, immediately shivering.

My apartment was small and during the winter it got cold, as I only had a wood stove to heat it up. I leaned over to look at myself in the mirror that rested above my nightstand. I was too thin for my liking, but life offered little luxuries nowadays and this was the best I could do. I washed my face with water I had boiled the previous night, went to relieve myself, and then got dressed. I chose to put on thick leather pants and an off-white shirt. Over it, I put on a leather vest, and I finished off my outfit with a thick wool cloak.

I could hear the wind howling outside and, seeing the clouds that came from the mountains, I guessed it would snow later. With a heavy exhale, I took my violin and got out of my small apartment.

The building I was living in had about six apartments, two on each floor. On the ground floor were two shops on either side of the front door. On the left was a bakery that made the whole building smell like fresh pastries and on the right a quaint little nursery. Hurriedly, I stepped into the bakery, taking a strawberry jam-filled pastry for breakfast, and then went to the nursery.

"Good morning, Lys," I greeted the owner of the shop and the whole building.

"Iseul," the middle-aged woman responded as she watered one of her new plants. "Good morning to you too, sweetheart," she went on and set down the watering can.

"Here, this month's rent," I said, handing over most of this month's income, which I had managed to get together last night.

"Oh, thank you. But you know I could have waited a couple more days if money is short this month," she told me and tucked back a graying strand of her brown hair.

"It's alright," I replied and took a bite from the pastry I had bought moments ago.

"That looks absolutely delicious. Mona outdid herself again," Lys muttered, eyeing the pastry in my hand.

"That she did," I agreed, thinking of the young baker next door. She always came up with new recipes that got the whole city talking about her creations.

"Will you be playing at the square again?" Lys went on while going behind the counter to put the money in the register and note down my name as settled. I nodded and watched as she leaned down and took out a tulle pouch. "Here, I dried some roses for you to warm you up. They're for tea. You can come over later tonight for a cup if you find the time."

I took the pouch from her and thanked her, promising to come back for a cup of tea later that same day, and I left. The city square was about twenty minutes away by foot and I needed to get there early in order to make some profit.

The wind was penetrating and cold and it made the clouds coming from the mountains come down faster. But by the time I reached the center, I couldn't see the sun any longer and I prayed to myself that it wouldn't snow so soon. I took out my violin and left the violin case open for anyone passing by who would want to tip me.

My eyes moved over the white wood and the peach roses that had been painted on my instrument and I started playing. My fingers were cold as they moved over the strings at the neck of my violin, but they would warm up soon enough with the way I was playing.

I opened my eyes as the first song came to an end. Some people had gathered around me, a couple standing further back but listening. There were some coins left in my violin case; more than I had expected. My breath created small clouds with each exhale and as I started up the second song, I noticed a thick snowflake falling right before me. Others must have noticed it as well, as some people from the crowd started walking away.

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