The fifty-second chapter

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(Umm, so... I feel a bit tired of this book? Does that make sense? The other problem is that if I stop updating it I won't have anything better to do, lmao. I'm kinda stuck with this one, but when I'm done I will do more interesting books! Maybe some original ones? Would you guys want to see that instead?)


Y/N's pov

"I can understand them but only in tones and by the face he is making... Never really known what he fully said... How do you do it?" Chris asks me his almost elf-like ears twitching.

"I... I don't know? I just hear what he is saying, I have no clue how I can hear him..." I tell him not really sure if he would believe me. He doesn't seem to be mad about me not having an answer.

If everyone I've met would have only been this nice...

"Well, it was worth trying to ask." He tells me looking down at the gremlin copy of himself laying in his lap.

"Y/N?" I hear Garcello's voice calmly ask me making me shiver from how sweet it was.

"Yes, baby~?" I respond back with a purr. I can hear him gasp slightly. I have a feeling he wants to ask something... Cute...

"Ummm... Uhh... I... Just wanted to ask if... You wanted to sit on my lap, honey?" He was stuttering a bit to reclaim his thoughts from my little action. His voice became really high in the end, something I have never really got to hear before...

"Of course, but I haven't don't this before so I'm not sure of how to sit?" I tell him still trying to keep my smug look but failed and made a more embarrassed look. I can feel my face blushing really badly from the fact.

"Don't worry, darling! I will show you just come over here..." He pats his leg with his flat hand then stands up and turns the chair around really flexibly.

I don't know how he does it but my face is blushing even more from this. Standing up I walk towards him and he gestures towards his lap...

"Just lay down on my hand and put your beautiful ass on my legs, darling!" He tells me looking really happy... I love him so much...

Then right as I was about to sit on his lap someone knocks on the door... Damn it...

"We seem to never have the time to be together like this, huh?" Garcello tells me chuckling slightly and I sigh from the fact he stated. He wasn't wrong but it just makes me frustrated that I have only had a long amount of time alone with him when my eye went blind... 

The door opens where Adam had come from again making everyone look over to that place. Colin stood there looking slightly exhausted for some strange reason. Did Adam really put that much of a fight?

"Did someone knock on the door or something? This place is pretty well hidden... This makes me a bit worried!" He had a smile on his face but it wasn't a nice one. It was slightly scary and ironic...

"Yeah, we aren't sure who it is though..." I tell him slightly scared of his reaction... He almost looks like a mother who just saw their kids break their favorite wine glass but didn't want to scream at them for being too young...

"I'll go get it, Wouldn't want you guys to get hurt..." His face switched from mad mom to protective mom... I've never seen this. Is this really my boss? 

((Wait... Did I have work? When was that?))

He walks out towards the hallway and I can hear the door open slowly... Shit, what is gonna happen?

"Yo, who in the fuck are you?" I hear Colin's mad voice ring through the house making me shiver a bit. 

"I'm here to help... Don't be so pis-" Some strange voice I have never heard before says before Colin seems to cut them off...

"Listen here you big, hunky, sexy, chad..." He seems to trail off and I can feel my face contort into some sort of weird face from how strange Colin was acting. "Not the point! Just listen up... We need your help... But if you dare to do one single move wrong I won't hesitate to make your life sufferable..." He continues making me sigh out.

"Alright, alright..." The other person tells Colin sounding worried. I would be hella worried... I hear a lot of footsteps in the hallway and when Colin passes me I can see Garcello jolt slightly.

"Daddy Dearest..." Garcello slowly says and when he says the word 'daddy' I almost laugh my ass off but I am able to keep it in. It's really hard though because the name just doesn't make any sense! I can't! I just can't!

"Garcello... Didn't think you would be here..." He tells him looking really worried about the situation he has put himself in. Do these two have beef or something? 

"My son's girlfriend and my roommate just got kidnaped... Of course, I'm here... Why are you here?" He asks the taller eggplant in front of him... Yeah, they definitely have beef...

"Your son!? Is the Boyfriend?" Daddy... holy shit I really can't say it in my head without feeling like a fucking prick... Dearest asked Garcello making a surpriced face.

"Yes... Why would someone so great like you care about that?" Garcello asked them standing up from his chair. He had a strange pose, he was standing in defense like someone would get hurt...

"Garcello... He took my daughter..." The tall person tells Garcello and when they do Garcello looks really surpriced at first. Then the face falters and is replaced by a sad and pitying face.

"I just want her back... I know you need more people to help get them both out of this situation and I need a group to help me too... Any more questions?" The eggplant asks making me perk up slightly.

"Pronounce?..." I ask not really wanting him to be mad... But he seems to be more surpriced and slightly happy. 

"He/Him... You are something else, aren't you? What's your name?" He asks me making me a bit happy that I could make him feel better. 

"Y/N, we can all help each other I know that!" I tell him but he doesn't seem to want to look me in the eyes when I say that... Did I say something wrong?


(I'm sorry this is so late, I had to do a lot of stuff lately... I'm a bit tired from a few things happening -w-')

---(Until The Next Chapter!)---

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