chapter 13

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Time skip : Guys I'm lost in the timeline of this story so probably the dates don't match but it doesn't matter we'll say it's been 6 months since owen and amelia got back together,Leo is 3 years old and Liam is 11 months old and it's Christmas...

"Hey, wake up," I said to Owen.
"Amelia I'm starting work late today let me sleep" he answered still half asleep
"I know but tonight is Christmas Eve and we have a lot of things to do" I said happily and got out of bed "I'm going to go wake up the boys and then make breakfast".
I went downstairs and decided to make waffles, well that's the only thing I know how to do so...
I started to prepare and I heard footsteps
"Hey mama" Leo said and walked over to me to give me a hug
"Hi love" I picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek
"What are you making mama ?" he asked
"Waffles" I replied
"Yeah! I love it" Leo said happily
"I know! Do you want to help me?"
"Yes" he replied and I put him on the counter
After a few minutes I felt Owen come up behind me and put his hands on my hips and rest his head on my shoulder
"Good morning " he said softy
"Good morning" I said and turned around and kissed him
"What time do you start work?" I asked
"At 11 o'clock, what are you going to do today ? " he asked me
I put my hands over Leo's ears so he wouldn't hear
"I have to finish the presents for tomorrow morning and also the food for dinner tonight!" I said and took my hands off Leo's ears.
"Reassure me it is not you who is cooking tonight " he said and chuckled
"Hey you're mean" I said and hit his chest
"I love you" he said laughing and kissed me
"Ewwww "Leo said and covered his eyes
"I thought you were happy that your mom and dad are in love" I said laughing.
"yeah but it's gross" he replied
"anyway the waffles are ready go set the table and don't forget the plates for the others" I said and put him on the floor and he nodded and started to set the table
"So I know you don't want a gift but seriously what do you want?" I asked Owen
"I already told you I don't want anything! I have you and that's all I want" he said and kissed me
"You are so so so cute,but you know I'm still going to buy you a few things" I said
"You're so stubborn" he said
"Yes, but that's why you love me" I replied winking at him
"ah by the way is Allison spending Christmas Eve with us?" I asked
"yes she eats here and after that Teddy brought her back to her house and she spends Christmas day with her!" he answered
"Please don't tell me Teddy is spending Christmas Eve with us" I said with a serious face.
"No don't worry, she'll pick her up around midnight" he answered
"Good becau "I wanted to continue but Liam started to cry, it's his way of telling us that he was awake
"Hey go eat I'll take care of him" Owen said and I smiled
" thanks"I said
since we live together he is such a father figure for him But I don't know what he really is for him, his dad ?,his stepdad ? or nothing,I don't really know but we haven't really talked about it but we should
"Mama" Liam said happy to see me he didn't speak yet but he could say a few words 
"Hi sweetheart" I said and kissed his cheek
Owen put him in his high chair and then Maggie, Mer and the kids joined us for breakfast after that Owen left and I was on the couch with Mer and Maggie
"Can you take care of Leo ? while I go to buy the last presents" I asked them.
"Of course! We can watch Liam too if you want" Mer told me
"No thanks, he's too little to understand, I can take him, Maggie where did you put the shopping list for tonight's dinner?" I asked
"On the fridge" she answered
"Ok I'm leaving! I'll see you later" I said
"bye" mer said
I went to say goodbye to Leo took Liam and I got in my car

I had just arrived at work and I was in the ER and a trauma came in , it was serious so we took him directly to the OR and I had the bad luck that this 45 year old man also had a heart problem and I will have to operate with Teddy and things between us are more than tense. Even though it's been almost 6 months now that I'm back with Amelia but she's still jealous
"What do we have?" Teddy asked as he walked into the OR.
"45 year old male who was in a car accident and has an intramural hematoma and needs heart surgery" I said
After more than 1 hour of surgery without saying a word to each other she broke the silence
"What are you doing for Christmas Eve tonight?" She asked
"We are having dinner" I answered
"Oh well with whom?" she asked
"Uh Alex and Jo,Callie,Arizona and Sophia There is also Jackson,April and Harriet and of course Maggie,Winston with Meredith and her kids and Amelia,the boys and me and Allison" I replied
"Glad to see that once again I am excluded from your little group of friends" she said
"Whose fault is it" I replied
"You really think it's my fault?" she said.
"Yes, you're the one who insulted my relationship and also Amelia and I'm supposed to invite you to Christmas, if you were expecting that you're very naive" I said
"talking about your relationship, how is it going with Amelia" she asked
"I think I've already told you several times but it's none of your business" I replied
"Now stop talking to me and focus on your patient " I added
After 3 painful hours of surgery I went out and decided to call Amelia to see if she had finished shopping for tonight but strangely she did not answer.

I was at target and my phone rang and a picture of me and Owen popped up on the screen
"dadaaa!" Liam said.
"What?" I asked to make sure what I heard.
"Dada!" He said it again
"Is that your dada?" I asked pointing to the picture of Owen and me again,
"Dada!" he said happily and put his finger on the screen
"Yes my baby that's your daddy" I said and took him in my arms and he smiled at me "thanks to you I know what present to give your daddy for tonight".
After that we went back home and Maggie start cooking for tonight
"Hey I am so so sorry I was stuck in ER" Owen said as we walked into our room
"That's fine babe" I said
"Maggie is cooking and the boys are taking a nap, so you didn't miss much," I said.
"what did you do today ? " he asked as he took off his shoes and lay down with me on the bed
"I went Christmas shopping and maybe I spoiled everyone a little too much" I said as I laid my head on his chest
"Haha I knew you were going to do that but I guess with our salaries we can afford it" he said and stroked my hair
"Yes you're right and I found your gifts for tomorrow" I said
"And me too" he said and kissed my forehead
"And you, how was your day?" I asked him.
"Painful" he replied
"Why?" I asked
"I was in surgery with Teddy" he said
"oh my god, is she still that aggressive and jealous?" I asked
"Yes and today she was even jealous of our group of friends" he said and laughed
"She's never going to stop! It pisses me off " I said
"Hey you know what ! it doesn't matter because we're together now and we're stronger than ever" he said
"I love you so much" I said and kissed him
"I love you more " He said and kissed me back
I rolled over as we start making out, I felt his hands go under my shirt and I pulled him closer to me
"Shower?" I said and bit my lower lip as I looked at him, I knew that made him go crazy so he crashed his lips against mine and picked me up and went into the bathroom
We both got out of the shower and I smiled at him
We get dressed,wake the boys up and went downstairs and wait for our friends to come.
The dinner went well it was so nice to be all together, we laughed and thanks to Maggie and April we ate well and now I was lying in bed with Owen and we were cuddling
"It was nice tonight!" he said.
"Yes, I love Christmas and I can't wait for tomorrow, especially to see the kids' reaction and yours too" I said.
"Me too!" we were about to fall asleep when the door opened and it was Leo
"Can I sleep with you tonight, tomorrow is Christmas and I can't wait" he said
"You just sound like your mom!" Owen laughed
"How about I go get your brother so we can all sleep together as a family ?" He added
"Yes please" Leo said and Owen went to pick up Liam he came back and we all cuddled in bed and I looked up at Owen and he said
"Goodnight babe I love you"
"Night and I love you too" I answered and kissed him softly

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