chapter 19

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Today the boys were going to spend the day at Maggie's while Owen and I were going to enjoy some time alone at the mall !
After dropping off the boys we left
"Do you need help?" the saleswoman asked
"no thanks!" I replied
"I think that shirt right there would look good on you Sir! You should try it on because you are a very handsome man and it would look great on you" she said and I started to get angry
"Well yes why not!" Owen answered and I was so angry that I decided to leave the store
"Where are you going?" he asked me.
"to the bathroom and do what you have to do, I'll wait for you outside" I said and left the store and sat on a bench
"I'm not stupid Amelia! What's wrong?" he asked as he left the store behind me
"Nothing," I replied angrily.
"I know something's wrong " he said.
"What's wrong is that you're completely blind" I replied
"What are you talking about ?" he asked.
"She was hitting on you and you didn't see it and even worse you let her" I said
"She was just doing her job Amelia and why would I need to go and have someone hit on me when I'm with you ?" he asked
"Because I'm huge, I look like a whale, I'm ugly and I don't fit into my clothes" I said
"Oh Mia that's not true you're not huge and even certainly not ugly you're the most beautiful woman I know and that will never change, you don't need to be jealous babe" he said
"Me jealous pfff whatever!" I said and Owen laughed
"So can I go back to the store?" he said.
"NO!" I said
"And why? if you are not jealous there is no problem" he said
"You know very well why" I answered
"No I don't !" he said even though he knew very well why, he just wanted to hear me say it
"Because you are mine and I love you" I said and he smiled.
"I am yours and I love you too" he said and took me in his arms
"And Amelia?" he asked
"Yes?" I replied
"I don't want you to be incecure with your body anymore! Never forget that you are beautiful" he said and I started to cry
"Sorry, it's the hormones" I said
"I admit I liked it better when hormones made you horny, I don't like to see you cry " he said and I giggled
"If you don't like crying you better leave home for the next few months" I said.
"Maybe they won't cry!" he said
"I hope so, but don't dream too much, but hey, come on, I want to buy some new clothes" I said and took him by the hand
Owen was working all night,Liam and Leo were sleeping and meanwhile Amelia was in bed watching TV and she heard footsteps... a few seconds later Leo came into the room
"Can I come with you? I can't sleep " he asked
"Of course baby come here!" She said and made a place for him in the bed and he lay down in owen's place
"What are you watching ?" he asked
"The 100 it's a show on Netflix!" Amelia said.
"Can we watch a Disney?" he said
"Yes the DVD's are in the closet" she said and he got up and opened the closet and took out the DVD box but instead something else fell out
"What's that?" He asked
"This? Well this is my wedding ring " She said
"A wedding ring?" He asked a little confused
"You know one day your daddy and I got married ?" She said
"Yes and how was it?" he asked
"It was one of the best days of my life and it was funny too... I ran away in the rain with aunty Maggie and aunty Mer!" Amelia replied
"You ran away?" he said surprised
"Yes, but then I came back and married your father and it was an unforgettable moment and I was so happy to marrying him " Amelia said smiling as she remembered that day
"You're blushing mama ! You love daddy very much" he said smiling
"Oh yes, he is an extraordinary man and he saved my life more than once and without him I would not be where I am today, I owe him everything, he is the man and love of my life and I love him more than anything" She replied
"So why don't you wear it anymore?" he asked.
"Well it's complicated but if you want to know, some time after we got married your dad and I got divorced, we were not together anymore and we didn't live in the same house and when we got back together we never got married again so that's why I don't wear it anymore because technically we are not married anymore even if we are in love and have a family " Amelia answered
But what she didn't know was that Owen had come home and heard the whole conversation and for a while now he had wanted to remarry her...
8 months of pregnancy
August 6th
Like most of the time since I was on maternity leave Owen was at work and I was at home with the boys, being on maternity leave really pisses me off but I know it's for my own sake but mostly for the girls
"Mom when do I go back to school?" Leo asked
"On the 12th and you're going back to 1st grade!" I replied
"What about me?" Liam asked
"12th too but you are still in preschool" I said
"When will I go to the big school?" he asked
"when you are 5 years old baby!" I answered and put my hand on my belly because I was in pain the girls were moving a lot today,they kicked again and I groaned in pain
" mommy are you ok ?" Leo asked me
"Don't worry it's just a lot of kicking !" I answered and sit down on a chair and then my water broke
"Mama what is this" Liam said and started to cry and panic
"Leo go call your dad please and Liam it's ok I'm fine, come on buddy" I said and hugged him "I'm fine, I'm just going to go to the hospital to give birth and then you can come and see your little sisters but everything is going to be ok don't worry" I said and he calmed down
"I have daddy on the phone and he wants to talk to you" Leo said
"Hey, can you come home like now please!" I said into the phone.
"I'm already in the car babe I'll be there in 5 minutes, I called my mom to watch the boys and she'll be there in a few minutes too" he said
"I'm really scared Owen! Two babies at once I don't know if I can do it and they are premature too" I wanted to continue but Owen cut me off
"Mia breathe... I'm coming soon and Arizona is waiting for you at the hospital! You're 8 months pregnant so they're going to be just fine and you can do it you're the strongest woman I know keep breathing I'll be there soon!" he said and a few minutes later he was there and so was Evelynn then we traced to the hospital and met Arizona
"Ari, I'm scared, it's too early and you're going to give me a C-section and it's going to be horrible, I'm going to be in bed for days and I don't want to be!" I said.
"Amelia calm down, it's before term but thanks to you they are not very premature and I'm going to see I don't think I'm going to give you a C-section but to know I need to examine you and you need to relax for that!" she said
"Amelia all will be fine I am here and I am not going anywhere!" Owen said and kissed my forehead
"Okay I can do this, go ahead Arizona!" I said and she started to examine me.
"You're already at 5cm so it should go fast! Especially without an epidural," she said.
"Thank you, Arizona!" Owen and I told her.
"I would do anything for you guys !" she replied and left the room.
2 hours later
"Owen I'm in so much pain, I can't do this !" I said.
"Yes you can ! and I can only imagine how much it hurts but you can squeeze my hand as hard as you want!" he said and I squeezed his hand
"Can we talk to distract me?" I asked.
"Yes of course! What do you want to talk about?" he asked
"I know you don't have a middle name but I do and I'd like our daughters to have one!
"Yes, that's a good idea" he replied
"That way all the girls in the family will have middle names and AHHHHH" I yelled
"Babe I'm here, it's okay, just breathe, I'm not letting go!" he said and I started to cry
"I'm so tired!" I said.
"What can I do to help you?" he asked
"Can you hold me?" I asked
"Of course" he said and got on the bed with me and hugged me
1 hour later
"Hi, I'm here to check you out! How are you feeling?" she asked as she entered the room.
"I'm in pain but I'm ok" I said
"Amelia you are at 10 cm so you can start pushing" she said and I started to panic
"Hey look at me" she said
"It's kind of hard to look at you when you have your hands in my vagina!" I said
"Everything is going to be fine but I'm not going to lie to you that it's still going to be risky to do a natural delivery so we can always take you to the OR if you want" she said
"No, it's going to be worse, I've seen and done worse, so it's going to be okay" I said.
"Okay, so we'll get started!" She said
"And now push!" Arizona said.
"It hurts too much!" I said
"I know but in the end you will have your two beautiful babies!" Ari said
"Don't say to me any of that crap you say to your patients, I'm your friend and I love you very much, but this isn't helping me!" I said
"okay amelia push again!" she said.
"Oh my god!"I screamed in pain and Owen kissed my forehead
"Please make it stop!" I said.
"You're almost there" Owen said to me
"Amelia you are doing great and Owen is right,you are almost there I can almost see a head keep pushing " Arizona said
"Mia you heard her you can do it " owen said and kissed me "You've got this"
"Ok I can do this" I said and pushed a little more and after a few minutes I finally heard a scream
"And here is your first little girl" Arizona said as she placed her in my arms
"Oh my God Owen! We did it, we made her !" I said and started to cry looking at our daughter.
"You did it" he said "I love you babe and I love you too princess!" owen said crying and kissed her cheek
"Do we have a name for this beautiful little girl? Arizona asked and I looked at Owen to make sure and he nodded
"Yes, it's Ava Bella Shepherd-Hunt," I said
"Aww I love this name...but let's not forget the other little girl that wants to come into the world" Arizona said and a nurse took Ava from my arms and I pushed a few more times to deliver our 4th child but I was in so much pain but after a while I heard a scream I lay down and looked at Owen
"I love you" he said
"I love you too!" I said and Arizona put Olivia on my chest
"Do we have a name for this other pretty little girl?" Arizona asked
"Olivia Marie Shepherd-Hunt" I said
"So beautiful" Arizona said and the nurse took Olivia to examine her and a few minutes later she brought our daughters back to us.
"They are so beautiful!" I said admiring them
"Just like their mommy " he said.
"Why are you crying?" I asked as I saw Arizona crying.
"It's just that I'm so happy for you!" she said
"Oh come here!" I said and she came over and gave us a hug.
Amelia had just fallen asleep she was exhausted, Ava was sleeping in her arms and I had Olivia in my arms and I was completely amazed by my girls she was beautiful
"Hey Olivia! You are so beautiful you know, just like your mommy" I said "besides your twin sister you also have 2 brothers Liam and Leo, they are very nice well not all the time but they already adore you and they can't wait to meet you".
"And your mom and I have waited a long time to meet you and Ava and we love you very, very much" I said
"You are so cute" Amelia said smiling at me.
"I know!" I said
"Oh shut up!" she said and chuckled
"Did you call your mother?" she asked me
"Yes, and I told her to come in two hours so you can rest!" I answered
"But I know the boys are excited to see their little sisters, if they want to come let them or they are going to be sad !" She said
"You are an amazing mother,but just for once think of yourself! You just gave birth to 2 babies without pain meds it's just amazing how strong you are so yes you need to rest" I said
"I know" she said
"Did you call your mother or your sisters?" I asked
"If by sisters you mean Meredith and Maggie yes they know because they were waiting in the waiting room and they came straight to the twins when they were born but if you mean my other sisters then no and I'm not going to do that..." she said
"Ok but did you tell your mom?" I asked
"She knows I was pregnant but she doesn't know I gave birth" She answered
"But it's going better with your mom right?" I asked.
"Yes I talk to her frequently, we send each other pictures and stuff " she said
"so why don't you send her a picture, look I took this one with you Ava and Olivia send it to her!" I said
"Ok" she said
The nurses came to take the girls to the nicu to do some tests and I sent a message to my mom with a picture of the girls and me and I wrote
"Your granddaughters are born today at 11:05am and 11:08am here is Ava Bella Shepherd-Hunt on the right and Olivia Marie Shepherd-Hunt on the left,they are perfectly healthy and they already fill us with happiness " and then I waited for her reply
"Oh my god Amelia, they are so beautiful, they look so much like you when you were a baby...I'm so happy for you and Owen, the family is growing and I'm sure Leo and Liam must be over the moon, I love you ❤️ " she sent back and I was quite shocked at her answer and so emotional
"What did she say?" Owen asked and I handed him the phone.
"That's so cute and sweet!" he said.
"It is, do you think I should invite her to spend a few days at our house so she can meet the twins and spend time with the boys?" I asked
"I think that's a great idea babe and that way you and your mom can get even closer" He said
"When?" I asked.
"Whenever you want!" he said
"How about in the next few weeks ? We'll be home and settled in with our new life" I said and he nodded so I sent my mom
"thanks for the nice message mom I love you too, and are you available next week, Owen and I suggest you come spend a few days with us to meet the girls and spend time with the boys" and a few minutes later she replied
"sure! I would love to, just give me a date and I'll come".
"You can come on August 24th and stay as long as you want..." I said
"Perfect, I'll be there... I can't wait to see all the family" she replied and I smiled I was so happy that things were going well with my mom
The nurses brought the twins back to us and I heard a knock on the door.
"Come in" Owen said and Evelynn opened the door.
"Mommy daddy !!" Leo and Liam said as they walked into the room and then Leo ran to the little bed next to Amelia's bed to watch his sisters but Liam didn't move from the door
"Hey Liam come over here "I said and opened my arms for him to come 
"You don't have to be shy" I said "look at that with the pink onesie it's Olivia and with the white onesie it's Ava do you want to get closer?" I asked and he nodded Owen picked him up and pulled him close to the girls
"Congratulations" Evelynn said and gave me a hug.
"Thank you!" I replied
"You know you have always been my favorite! You are the best wife for Owen...I love you darling !" she whispered to me
"Owww I love you too Evelynn" I replied
"Are they redheads?" she asked and I laughed
"No, they are blonde" I said
"Can I hold them?" she asked
"Of course" I said and she picked up Ava because Olivia was sleeping.
"It's Ava, right?" she asked.
"Yes it's Ava" Owen said and sat down on the bed with me and put his arm around me.
A few minutes later the room was full of all the people we love
Meredith came in with the kids,Maggie and Winston,Alex and Jo who was about to give birth,Richard,Bailey,Arizona and Callie,Jackson and April with Harriet and later on Carina and Maya came in and I was so happy with who I have become and the people who share my life.
"Look at them, they're all quiet around their sisters" Owen said
"Look what we've managed to do, a beautiful family full of love , I love you" I said.
"I love you too babe" I said

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