Chapter 28

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We both walked into the doctors.

"Hey this is aseynewt clinic how may we help?" The woman says.

"We have a appoint for Lewis at 10" I say

"Oh yes please take a seat a doctor will see to you soon" she says pointing to the seating area, which is empty.


We walked out of the doctors, the air was humid and awkward.

"Aren't you gonna say anything" I say

"What I've got twins and there is a 75% chance they both might die!" He shouts. I blink backed tears.

"I-I'm sorry." I cried

"Oh yeah sure. bet you don't care. maybe I shouldn't have visited you!" He screams

"Dan please. the nurse said that you shouldn't shout as it'll stress me out." I frown, tears started flowing from my eyes.

"Oh I don't care what she thinks. this is your fault, you shouldn't have tried to kill yourself and maybe the babies would be fine! Oh and don't forget your lack of food! What else are you gonna do start fucking someone!" Dan shouts

"I think it's best if we chat tomorrow. I'll wait for you to phone me" I say and kiss him on the cheek and walk off

"I'm sorry okay. I'm just fed up of loosing people. Dani. I'm scared I'm gonna loose you. I'm scared I'm going to loose my babies, mine everything things that's mine I loose." he grabbed my arm as I was walking away. I looked into his eyes and tears were forming.

"Dan I don't need and apology right now. just talk later. I love you" he let go of my arm and I walked away. I found the closest bus stop and go on it. it was a long ride to the hospital.

I signed in and went to my room. it was class time. but I get to miss it. well at least one good thing.

I brushed my hands over my stomach.

"I'm sorry" I said. I started crying and I didn't even try holding one sob back I just let it out.

"Dani?" A familiar voice said

"Ugh yeah" I say looking up whipping away the tears

"Oh come here" Luca says he walks over to me and stands me up then he softly hugs me. "do you want to chat in my office."

"Sure" I say not letting go of the hug. he pushed me back gently so break the hug and kissed my forehead. he intertwined our fingers and walked me to his office. He sat me down the the sofa, and sat in his chair opposite.

"So why are you crying?" He asks

"I might loose my babies" I sob

"Here's a tissue, that horrible I would hate going through that. but think about it theres a chance they will live and all of this stress will be for nothing. look for the positives in it."

"How are there positives." I frown

"Well starters you won't have to worry about being a mother" he smirks

"I guess but I kinda want to be. so then u can treat them like my mum never treated me." I explain

"But how would you know how to treat someone like you mum didn't treat you. you've had no training" he says

"So your saying I'm gonna be a shit mum?"

"No I'm saying that you've had no training and your not gonna be who your child wants you to be you need to make sure they're Happy other wise when your child is older they will be having this chat with someone" he says

"Oh" I say

"Well I'm busy I have to see someone" he smiles

"Okay well chat later yeah" I say and walk out.  The bell rung, it made me jump. lunch time. I sighed and went to my room waiting for Rosa.

"Hey" she smiles as she walks into the room. to be honest she seems to happy to be here but we all have our reasons.


"How did it go?" She asks dragging me out of the room so we could go to lunch.

"It went shit." I say, honestly.

"Oh... what happened?" rosa asks, we both lined up to get lunch today it was baguettes or pizza with milkshake or a can of pop.  We walked over to a empty table and sat down.

"Well there is a 75% my twins my die." I frown playing with my food. I sipped at my dr pepper.

"Oh I'm sorry. and twins you say!" She winks.  She always avoids the sad topics and I like that about her. she always finds the good things.

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