Chapter 12

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We laid in bed all day, chatting about shit. then my phone started ringing.

"Ill get it" dan says grabbing my phone "hello" "who's this?" "Stay away from my girl!" "If you even try and get in contact with her you'll be a dead man walking!" And with that Dan hung up. "baby why didn't you tell me he was calling you"

"I didn't know how to tell you I knew you would get mad at me" I frowned. "I thought you would hate me"

I rolled over so I wasn't facing Dan but he still pulled me close even though I wasn't facing him.

"I would never hate you baby" he said kissing the back of my head he held me tight in his arms.

"Your amazing" I smiled

"What are you doing tomorrow?" he asks.

"Well I was gonna go swimming then maybe go to Africa 'cos you know I always do stuff" I tease.

"So you think you'd be able to just wait one day for that and go out with me tomorrow?" he chuckles.

"No sorry I really need to do this" I giggle

"Ok meet me at the park whenever your ready" he smiles, I felt a rush of happiness go through my body. well I think it was happiness.

"Love you" I smile

"Love you too beautiful" he smiles, I turned back over and rested my head on his chest.

Dan fell asleep I just stared at the ceiling. I didn't know what to think about my mind was all mucked up.

When I woke up the next morning Dan was gone. I sighed. I got out of bed and went for a piss.

Days passed same old same old. that's when it turned into months passing by everything was amazing. until one day.

I'd been getting hate and being bullied for quite a while now. Dan thought I was coping just fine but I couldn't handle all this hate.

'All I remember is that it hurt. it hurts to know I have to write this down....' I wrote a letter I wanted Dan to find it I know he would, he practically lives with me

Hate And Love •M.A.D Fanfic•Where stories live. Discover now