Chapter Twenty

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"Wow." she breathed.

I nodded at her sadly, not really sure what to say.

"Why didn't he say anything?" she frowned.

He was too drunk, he doesn't remember what happened." I muttered.

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" she asked quietly.

"There's no point." I answered.

"But he might feel the same." she pointed out.

"He definitely doesn't." I told her.

"You don't know that." she tried.

"I do, I've known him a long time." I pointed out.

She looked at me as I sat staring at the floor. I knew that she wanted to help, but didn't know what to say or do to improve the situation.

"I'll be fine, I'll get over him eventually." I said, trying to reassure her.

I felt sorry for her, the last thing I wanted was to drag her down as well.

"Do you want me to talk to him?" she offered.

"No, it's fine!" I exclaimed, starting to panic at the thought of her telling him how I felt.

"Promise it will stay between us two, you can't tell anyone, not even Nath." I pleaded.

"Promise." she said smiling warmly.

"Thanks hun." I said as I pulled her into a hug.

"No problem sweetie." she replied as she hugged me back.

I quickly removed myself from her arms as I heard the bedroom door open. I gasped as Jay stood in the doorway. Sophie and I glanced at each other before turning back to him.

"I just wanted to check that you are okay?" he asked me.

"Yep I'm fine." I said shortly.

I could see Sophie fidgeting uncomfortably on the bed. The air was thick with tension. I stood in front of him.

"I'm sorry that I didn't take better care of you last night." he said quietly.

I could tell from his tone that he felt guilty, but right now I didn't care.

"Well I'm not your responsibility, so you're off the hook!" I snapped.

He frowned and watched me, waiting for me to look at him. I continued staring at the floor.

"Are you angry with me?" he asked quietly.

"Nope." I said as I walked past him.

I stopped as I felt him take my wrist, to keep me from walking away.

"Let go of me!" I hissed.

"Tell me what's wrong?" he begged.

"None of your damn business." I said angrily.

"We used to be close, I miss how things were." he said quietly.

"Tough." I shrugged as I stared at his hand, waiting for him to let go.

I knew that I was being really harsh, but I just couldn't bring myself to even look at him. Being in his presence was a constant reminder of what we could've had.

Eventually he let go of my hand, I began to walk away when I heard him muttering.

"What did you say?!" I exclaimed as I rounded on him.

"I said this is getting ridiculous, I'm sick of playing these games all the time." he snapped.

"What games?!" I said defensively.

"Your mood swings are giving me whiplash and you never tell me what's going on!" he snapped.

"I don't trust you anymore!" I cried.

He blinked at me in shock, I could see that ny words had cut into him.

"Either that or you're jealous!" he said angrily.

"Of what?!" I exclaimed.

"The fact that my career is going well and yours is on hold!" he shouted.

I gasped as he said those words. I felt a surge of anger in my stomach. How dare he say that, the reason my career was on hold was because I chose to follow him and Nathan. I could feel my blood boiling. I slapped him hard on the cheek. I heard Sophie squeal in shock. I stood and watched him as he stared at me, my breathing heavy.

I walked away from him and made my way downstairs.

"Anna!" he called from the top of the stairs.

I ignored him and carried on walking.

"Is everything okay?" Max asked as I walked past him.

"Walk with me." I muttered to him.

He nodded and fell into step beside me.

"Anna wait, I'm sorry!" Jay called.

I took Max's hand and carried on walking.

"Where are we going?" he asked me quietly.

"You and me are going out for a while." I told him.

"Do I get a say in this?" he asked winking at me.

"Nope." I grinned at him.

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