Chapter 2

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Clarke's POV
After jasper was hit we ran back to the camp. I saw wells and Murphy fighting again but wells had a knife pressed against Murphy's neck.
"Wells let him go"
When octavia walked in buying supported by Monty Bellamy started to freak out.
"O what happened to you"
"Where's the food" wells asked
"We didn't make it to mount weather" replied Finn
"Then what the hell happened out there" Bellamy asked
"We were attacked" replied Finn
"By what" Bellamy asked
"Not what it's who"
"Where is the kid with the goggles" wells questioned
"He was attacked and taken"
After a while we decided to go after Jasper it was me, Finn , wells , Murphy and Bellamy. While Finn was tasking jasper we heated a groan which was defiantly jasper we ran and saw a tree but someone was laying on it.
I rushed forward but a trap was there hidden so I fell and thought that was the end.
Bellamy grabbed my arm but didn't pull me up so then the guys started pulling me up.
Finn and Murphy were climbing up the tree to see if jasper was alright but when they brought him down he was unconscious and saw blood on his shirt so we were in a hurry to take him back. A growl caused us to turn to the bushed a black Jaguar was headed Bellamy way so I yelled "Bellamy gun" he was looking for his gun but it was no there we heard gun shots and turned to wells who had the gun and missed half the shots he shot. We went back to camp wells and Finn carrying jasper and Murphy and Bellamy carrying the Jaguar.

When they go to camp
3rd POV

When they got back everyone was shocked about jasper so they got home to the drop shift and lashed him on the table.

Bellamy , Finn , Monty , Clarke , Octavia and Murphy and wells were all in the room

When Clarke lifted his shirt ready to expect the worse she was shocked she was blocking everyone point of view

"What the-"
"Clarke what is it" asked Monty scared for his best friend
She moved out of the way so the rest could see ......

Sea weed was wrapped around his torso
"If they were trying to kill him why would they save him" Bellamy asked confused
"Take of the sea weed let's see what they did" octavia suggested
As Clarke started to unwrap the sea weed everyone was around the table watching .

Bellamys POV
When Clarke removed the sea weed there was a dark purple substance on his skin
"Monty can you figure out what this is" Clarke asked
As Monty started looking at the substance he smelled it then looked shocked
"Well what is it" I asked
"It's lavender , sea weed and poison ivy what the hell were they making" he replied
Then jasper started waking up
Who the hell is Niks
"Jasper who's Niks" Clarke asked
"You guys didn't see her?"
"No we didn't who is she" asked space walked
"She was a girl with wings and talked to animals"
What the hell did they do to him
"It might be the poison ivy making him imagine things yea" replied Monty
When we turned to jasper he was knocked out cold

Niks POV

It's been a couple of days since the incident with jasper so who I call now skikru are hunting for food. So I took my animals to a safe place near a water fall. Apollo rested on my shoulder and was asleep after his morning check up on my land. An alpha wolf named Jacob came and updated me that Trikru are launching toxic fog after one of his pack members smelled it. I took my animals to a hidden cave on the other side of the water fall where my throne sat. "Everyone stay here until the fog ends Apollo your in charge" hey bowed his head and with that I flew to the skies to check if anyone was there after the horn blew everyone was running. Then Octavia caught my eyes her foot was stuck under a long I quickly went down not caring if she saw me or not.

When I landed she was unconscious so I removed the log and carried her bridal style and took her to the nearest cave. I sat down while putting her head on my lap and using my skirt [yes I got it back and washed it] as a blanket.

After a while she started to wake up, when she saw me she didn't scream or yellled she looked amazed...

Octavias POV
When I started to wake up I thought I would be dead but boy was I wrong I saw a girl with long dark hair and black powder all over her eyes she must be the one jasper talked about.

Niks POV
I sat her up slowly and made her drink some water from the pond in the cave'

"How are you feeling octavia"
"I feel great thanks"
"Well that's good"
She took me by surprise when she hugged me
"What are you doing"
"Thankyou so much you saved me"
"It's no problem"
"So jasper was not hallucinating?"
Me and octavia spent the night talking until she fell asleep I laid her head on my chest and hummed a tune , then I fell asleep.

In the morning...
I felt someone shaking me awake
"Hey Niks wake up"
"I'm up"
"Can you take me back to camp, my brother must be worried"
"Yea sure let's go"

Octavia reminded me of my older brother, he didn't have wings or a ability to talk to animals he call me special, my older brother Cedric passed away after a group of Trikru people shot him in the heart with and arrow while we were taking a walk....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2021 ⏰

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