Chapter 1

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"Jungkook that was your 6th assistant this year and it's only june!" Said an older man who was sitting in one of the chairs across from his young boss Jeon Jungkook. The young CEO looked up at his driver and friend of 15 years and sighed. "I know Mr. Lee, but they're the ones who decide to do stupid stuff that gets them fired." The older man sighed and responded "Maybe you should be a bit less harsh Jungkook? Just try and let some stuff go and stop firing people right away." The now annoyed Jungkook said "No matter what gender or age I hire it always ends up backfiring! My most recent assistant went around telling people she was my wife!" Jungkook yelled, now standing up. "I've even had people in the past tell others that they were me when I sent them to do a job!"

Jungkook sighed as he pinched the bridge of his nose and sat down again. "I'm sorry for yelling Mr. Lee, I was just very frustrated." The older man smiled at his young boss as he said "It's no problem Jungkook, you're like a son to me, I'd never get upset with you for letting out your anger." Jungkook weakly smiled as the older man got up and left Jungkook in silence.

The silence didn't last long though, as his office door suddenly burst open, his son and daughter ran in with Jungkooks friend Namjoon not too far behind. Jungkook smiled as his son Min-joon, and his daughter Soo-ah climbed up into his lap and hug him while giggling. Min-joon looked up at his dad and said "Dad! Mr. Namjoon took us to the park today!" Soo-ah piped up and said "Yeah! He even got us ice cream!!" Namjoons eyes widened as his friends eyes snapped up at him. "Namjoon I said no ice cream!" Namjoon cleared his throat and said "Oh look at the time! I've gotta go!" And with that Namjoon left the annoyed Jungkook with his twins.

The young CEO rolled his eyes and stood up with one kid in each arm saying "Okay kiddos, it's time to go home!" Jungkook walked over to the elevator and rode it down to the main floor, watching how his kids hide their faces out of shyness from the people whispering and looking at them. Jungkook caught a few of the whispers such as "He's so hot omgomgomg!" And "Look, he's with his kids..." Jungkook rolled his and continued walking out to his car.


"I quit you asshole!!" Taehyung yelled as he stormed out of his former workplace. With tears in his eyes he got into his car and drove home.

Once he arrived back at his apartment he slammed the door shut and ran to his bathroom. He immediately stripped off his clothes and got in the shower scrubbing his body furiously with tears streaming down his face. "That stupid fucking pervert." Taehyung mumbled as he remembered what just went down in his bosses office. He sighed and stopped scrubbing his body and got out of the shower.

He grabbed some clean sweat pants and a short sleeve shirt from his wardrobe. He flopped down on his bed and starred at the ceiling. After a moment he crawled under the covers mumbling to himself "I'll look for a new job tomorrow."


It had been a week since Taehyung had quit his job and Namjoon almost got his ass beat by his friend and boss over giving his kids some ice cream. Taehyung was doing better now, he had opened up to his older brother Jin and his friend Hoseok about what happened and why he quit his job.

But today Taehyung was trying to forget about all that because he had a job interview today. He put on a nice gray turtle neck along with some black shinny jeans and some black boots. Checking the time he quickly fixed his hair and applied a little bit of lip balm and some clear mascara. He glanced at his appearance one last time before heading out the door and driving off to his interview.

Jungkook had just gotten to work and he was struggling. He had forgotten about interviews today and didn't ask anyone yet if they could watch Soo-ah and Min-joon. The twins would only feel comfortable around very few people and he didn't know which of his friends were available today and who wasn't.

He quickly rushed over to his friend Yoongi's office and saw both Yoongi and his boyfriend Jimin just kind of hanging out. Jungkook breathed a sigh of relief and said "Oh my god, please tell me you guys don't have anything big planned today! I really need someone to watch the twins for me!" Yoongi and Jimin looked at each other before looking back at Jungkook.

Yoongi bit his lip and then said "Well we have a really important meeting at 3:00, but until then we should be free." Jungkook smiled a bit and said "great! The interviews should be done by 12:00 so you guys can just drop them off in my office around then!" The couple smiled at their boss as he quickly hugged his kids and rushed off with a quick thank you.

Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose in frustration. He had interviewed about 20 people by now and they were all either attention seeking and just trying to seduce him, or just overall not a great person to be his assistant.

Jungkook glanced down at the list on his desk and thought 'okay just one more to go, hopefully this Kim Taehyung guy is good, because I'm running out of options.' Jungkook sat up straight before dialing the front desk and saying "Hey Jisoo, go ahead and send up Kim Taehyung." He heard Jisoo reply with a quick "Sure!" Before he hung up the phone and grabbed Kim Taehyungs file and straightening up himself and his desk.

Suddenly he heard a knock at his door, Jungkook sat up and said "Come in!" Jungkook looked over as a smaller male walked in with a small smile on his face. Jungkook watched as he sat down in one of the chairs opposite of himself. The boy smiled again before saying "Hello! I'm Kim Taehyung." Jungkook gave a small smile before saying "Okay Mr. Kim let's start this interview." Taehyung nodded his head and said "Great! But please call me Taehyung, Mr. Kim makes me sound like my father." Taehying added with a quick laugh. Jungkook nodded his head and opened up Taehyungs file.

"Okay Taehyung, it's says here that you were an assistant at the Park Company for 5 years?" Taehyungs smile faltered for a second before he replied with "Yes, I was an assistant for Mr. Park himself." Jungkook nodded his head before continuing to read Taehyungs file.

After a few more questions Jungkook sighed happily, liking how the interview was going so far. Jungkook looked up at Taehyung before saying "Okay Taehyung, so far so good! There's just one last question I have for you." Taehyung nodded his head as Jungkook said "Why do you want to work for us?" Taehyung smiled and sat up a bit, making Jungkook slightly surprised. Most people have a hard time with that question, but Taehyung seems like he genuinely has a answer.

Jungkook sat back a bit as Taehyung answered "I want this job for a few reasons actually! Well for starters my mother has an illness that needs constant medication and sometimes other medical things. Because of her condition she's not able to work at all, and since my father died when I was young I need to take care of my mother's medical bills. And then with that I'm living on my own now, so I need to keep paying rent." Taehyung added with a small laugh. "But the reason I wanted to work here is because I've had experience with being an assistant in the past, and when I was looking for assistant jobs this one looked the best because it's what I'm used too, plus I've heard that you usually treat your employees good." Jungkook smiled at the genuine answer from the boy.

Jungkook and Taehyung both stood up as Jungkook said "Ok Taehyung, that was all!" Taehyung smiled again as he said "Great! When do you think I'll be hearing back from you?" Jungkook smiled bit before saying "Right now, you've got the job."

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