t h r e e

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March 9th, 1943

dear diary,

wow. i'd never thought i'd be writing in a journal, but momma says it's a great way to relieve stress and write down all my feeling instead of keeping them bottled up; especially with all the things going on in school.

in school today all the girls kept teasing me about my weight and how i looked like a twig. they poked and pinched me as if i was some morbid freak. then they started a "fund" and got one of the pencil jars and passed it around asking for money and saying it was "to help buy me food so i could eat more". and you know what the funny thing was? i actually got some dimes and pennies; even some quarters! fricken quarters.

i'm not too skinny. at least i think i'm not. they're girls like Maddie and Chloe who're skinnier than me and care much more about their weight. and take a wild guess at who was making fun of me. THEY we the ones making fun of me. those spoiled brats! just because they get everything doesn't mean they have to come and make us feel bad. oh how i wish i could fight back.

except whenever i defend myself i'm the one who gets in trouble. dear diary, if only i could take a picture of my thoughts right now and place then into this book. thought and ideas of what i'd do to those brats . . . but mamma would find the photos; the gruesome, horrendous, appalling, grim pictures. then mamma would ask what i was doing with the pictures and i'd have to tell her.

but not with this journal. i'll keep this journal with me. it'll go everywhere i go, do everything i do, see everything i see, and this diary will hold the future.

Kamryn xoxo

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