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    Kirishima walked into class, he look drained, eyes red and puffy, eyebags threatening as Aizawa's. No one had seen Bakugo in days, and Kirishima had waited every day at the entrance of the dorm building every night, coffee in hand so if he heard Bakugo he would be able to open the door. He hadn't eaten in days either, it was beginning to show in training. Everyone took pity on him, gifts and snacks left at his door, piling up. Suddenly principal Nezu and a few teachers came running through the hall, outside the door. 

     "Where the fuck is he?" Kiri and Mina heard a familiar voice, "He's in there I fucking know it let me in," banging on the door, it cracked. Aizawa stopped teaching, Blocking the door, "Nezu what's going on?" Pricipal Nezu shouted through the door, "Hide Eijirou Kirishima!" He yelled as Hizashi screamed from down the hall, Aizawa grabbed Kirishima, "What the fuck kid?!" Eijirou hardened, "Let him in." he said calmly. Aizawa stood, "Do not make me-" Eijirou smiled, standing up as Mina raced toward him. 

     "No Kirishima!" Everyone was hella confused at the moment. "What is happening sensei?" Iida asked. "Let my father come in. Someone gasped at his statement. He walked to the door, opening it. "Kirishima NO!" Mina yelled now crying. "You little faggot, you left without telling me." He reeked of alcohol and marijuana. "Hi." Kirishima said. Smiling, waiting. A hard smack to the face made Kirishima, fall, laughing, "You're worthless, useless. Make me use the money I earned to come find your sorry ass." Aizawa ran at the man, Kirishima shoved his teacher back, "I wanna see what the bastard is gonna do to me." 

     Kirishima was pushing his father. "Did you see mom's room? See that I took her precious engagement ring? Her perfume? Her sheets? Is that why you came to find me?" He was really pushing it. "You little fucker. Your mother died for you! And you couldn't even keep your fucking sight! You took her from me!" His father screamed as the students and teachers watch the scene played out, knowing they couldn't get close. Kirishima got into a fighting stance, "Show me how mad you are, just like old times old man." 

     Kirishima tore his shirt off, exposing scars, burns, cuts, bruises. Mina snivveled, "Kiri.. no.." Kirishima's father punched his son in the face, Kirishima returned with a hardened kick to the ribs. "You little shit." His fther smiled wickedly, everyone yelped as Kirishima was burned with a cigarette. Eijirou didn't care. He hardened his fingers, tearing the burn out. Mina cried out for them to stop. Everyone stopped, hearing running down the hall. Then someone skidded through the door, flying through the air he dove toward Kirishima's dad, Kirishima leaped in front of his father, Bakugo sending an explosion straight into him.

     "KIRISHIMA!!" Bakugo realized what he'd done, he shook the boy, limp, a smile on his face. Bakugo screamed, bloody murder, holding the boy's head in the crook of his neck. Some students ran to Kirishima, the others looking toward Aizawa, he nodded, fighting stance with Hizashi and Snipe they went for the boy's father, students following, recovery girl arrived, looking at the boy, "Oh you poor thing, he hasn't eaten or slept in weeks." she said, kissing his head and chest, arms and sides. Bakugo just stared, crying. Kirishima stirred but didn't wake, "Well he's alive but he needs to go to the hospital, and fast." Bakugo just stared. "What are you waiting for Bakugo, let's go. Iida yelled.

     They left the building, Bakugo riding his motorbike infront of Iida, an escort. He sped with every mile, being chased by cops, chased wasn't right, they were a second escort, seeing the dying boy in the bluenette's arms. They got to the hospital, Bakugo left his bike straight out front, throwing his helmet to the ground, grabbing Kirishima for Iida to get a break, running into the hospital the receptionist gasped, calling for a stretcher, Bakugo laid Eijirou, who was somehow still holding a smile, down. He followed until he was held back forcefully, he waited hours for news, not being able to sit down, he paced, and paced. Iida and some of the class was there while Katsuki was biting his nails. Jumping at any doctor he saw, "Bakugo sit down." Aizawa said, trying to sleep. 

     "I can't. I caused this and might I add that NO ONE'S TOLD ME SHIT!" he exclaimed toward a passing surgeon. Mina hugged Katsuki, bracing for impact but she hugged him, then Sero did, Kaminari following. He dropped to his knees, Mina following and the other two standing, Kaminari hugging himself crying. "Ei!" A girl burst into the hospital, running past the crying boy, and Mina. Slamming her fists on the counter of reception, "You tell me where he is!" Mina looked up, "Aiya!" The teenage girl spun on her heel angrily, then her expression softened into shock, "Mina what happened?!" Mina shot up, running to the girl. "He almost died!" Mina was shaking, "Your father-" The girl, stopped. "That BASTARD I've been filing so many complaints to that damned agency!" the girl was pissed. Almost as pissed as Bakugo was, "Who are these people?" AIya looked to the group, Bakugo was having a panic attack as Kaminari and Tsu tried to calm him down he banged his head on the wall, aggravated. "Class 1-a, his friends. And soon-to-be anger issued boyfriend over there" she motioned to Bakugo. 

     Aiya was still angrily questioning doctors, nurses, patients, secretarys, receptionists, surgeons, security. She was frantic and eventually, she bolted, with a illusion quirk she distracted doctors trying to stop her, they passed out, hypnotized, Mina followed and Bakugo booked it straight after them, Aizawa followed trying to stop the girl's quirk. The girl burst through doors, until there he was. Sickly, and looking like he was dying. "You're serious? We were coming you didn't have to disable our doctors!" A surgeon yelled. "Eijirou! Baby!" Bakugo froze, baby? What? Was this girl Eijirou's girlfriend? "Bakugo... Bakugo!.. BAKUGO!" he snapped out of his trance to Mina shaking him, "You passed out hun. You've been here for hours, you need to eat and sleep, he's alright babe." Mina picked Bakugo up. Wlaking out of the room, students asked her what was happening, as Bakugo looked like he'd seen a ghost, he just might've.


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