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Aizawa POV

     I had a surprise for Eijirou but I wanted to wait until he had his sight. I talked with my kids and Hizashi and we wanted to take Eijirou in. He had been spending every holiday and family weekend on campus. He was practically alone. But today I was taking him to the hospital alone. "So kid, I want you to know that you have one class after your surgery for the day, it's just to explore and help you with your eyes, all flourescent lights will be dimmed. I can also give you a pair of sunglasses if you need them." He nodded, he was fidgeting so I handed him a black and white tangle from my console, it was Eri's. He played with it nervously. "You can still back out kid, if you really need to." He shook his head. "No way." I smiled, "Good." 

     We got to the operation room and i waited around 3 hours for him, he came out with bandadges over his eyes. "Take them off in 2 hours, no severe lighting, and no quirk use for 24 hours." I nodded amd took Kirishima back to UA, Students gathered around, "What color are they?" Denki asked, "Still white, his pupils just resurfaced." I responded, "Woah cool!" Sero said, "When do the bandages come off?" Bakugo asked loudly, "In around an hour." I said sitting down. Everyone was talking to Kiri about stuff he wanted to see.

"First, Bakugo, obviously, second, my phone? I wanna turn the voice off. Third, Mina, Fourth, myself, fifth,.." The list went on. "Kirishima." I called, "Yeah sensei?" I asked him if he wanted to return any of his braille books and he stopped a moment, then laughed, "Well sensei- if I'm being honest- I- can't read!" some of the other students laughed. "Alright well you seem good with braile anyway but we'll get you extra english lessons." He nodded with a smile. I announced the five minute mark. "Oh my god I'm scared what if you're ugly," I chuckled at what Kirishima said to Bakugo. 

     "Kirishima," He looked at me, "Your number one spot has changed." He cocked his head, "What do you mean?" I grabbed the adoption papers from a drawer in my desk. "I have papers for you to sign if you accept the offer, a few students tried to read it but I wouldn't let them. "Okay sensei! But like I said before- I can't read." I told him I would read them to him. He faced my desk as I took the blindfold off. "Woah. Sensei you look like a homeless guy!" I rolled my eyes, "Gonna pretend I didn't hear that." I continued on, "Eijirou Kirishima, these are legal documents, which if signed by a judge and the potential legal guardian, and you ofcourse, will make you legally, my dependent, in other words, I'm adopting you." I heard gasps around the room and Eijirou Kirishima stood, gawking at me. "You mean you're gonna be my dad ?!?!"  he yelled and I laughed, "If you sign." He grabbed a pen off my desk, "How do I write it?"I stood up, putting my hand over his, tracig out chickenscratch letters of his name, "So thats what that looks like.." 

     I nodded, "Okay now close your eyes," I took Bakugo's shoulders and placed him infront of Kirishima. "Hey get off me old man!" I sighed and told Kirishima to open his eyes, he looked at the angry, blushing blonde. Who wouldn't look at him. "Woah. I fucked you??" I started to speak but it wasn't worth it, I just sighed holding the bridge of my nose. "Kirishima- you're in class." He laughed, "Right, right sorry." he cupped Bakugo's face in one hand, then in both. Making Bakugo look at him in shock, "Quit that it's not a big deal." Kirishima leaned closer admiring Bakugo's features, Mina had been recording the entire thing. "Kiss already!" Denki yelled pumping a fist in the air as Kirishima yanked Bakugo down slightly toward him making him lose a little balance, pulling him by his tie and neck into a kiss. Which Katsuki sort of just melted into. 

     Everyone cheered a little and Katsuki grabbed his bag, pulling out the picture of himself, I grabbed mine, and everyone pulled theirs out. Bakugo held his up to his face. "It's oddly close, and I feel like you've been lying the entire time." he said straightfaced, we all laughed a little and then Kirishima turned. "Oh my god Mina! Look at you!" She smiled, tears running down her face as he hugged her. "You're so buff! It's weird and your hair!" Mina had a fluffy mohawk/undercut. Mina grabbed Kirishima's phone off a desk. She stopped when she saw the lockscreen, Bakugo ran at her. "No way! That's Bakugo?! Oh my god Bakubabe that's so-" he stopped her as Kirishima grabbed his phone. "Oh wow- wow-.." Bakugo turned a bright red. "I don't wanna know, just go to the dorms. I'll send Hitoshi and Eri up with you Kirishima, those two are your siblings." Everyone gasped a little at my statement. "Yeah yeah get a life." I said going to work.


Kirishima POV

     I looked at my friends.. my boyfriend, everyone. We had a party and Kat got tipsy he couldn't tell me and Tetsutetsu apart.

     "SO- How long ha-ve you been cheating o-n me?" He asked T, who was kissing Ibara. He looked at Kat confused, then at me, My eyes widened wearing a huge grin, help. "Ohh. Um, I'm not Kirishima. He's over there." Katsuki just stood there, tears in his eyes, I ran over to him, hugging him, "Heyyy, it's okay! It's me, Kiri, I'm not cheating on you." He looked at me "B-but you- I sa- yo-" He sobbed. I felt horrible, telling Mina I was taking him to the dorm. We walked to my dorm and I looked around, "Woah, this is cool!" I looked through my stuff, gifts Mina had given me, I cried. I had my sight.


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