Chapter 11: Belfast

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Three Years Ago

In my line of work, love and relationships put a target on your back. I've seen it countless times before. If you have a family, you have something to lose. Someone else has leverage against you, and that puts you in a vulnerable position.

That's not to say love and a family isn't important or is a weakness. I'm young after all, so I could change my mind, but at this stage it's not something I'm willing to risk.

Monica makes it hard, though.

Her crystalline blue eyes and jet-black hair. Her fair, soft skin, and bright pink lips. She makes me want to risk it all. Absolutely everything.

The way she looks at me, the way her soft voice says my name. The way her body reacts to mine, like we're two halves of a whole. I'll tattoo a damn target on my back of it meant I could feel her forever.

She isn't clingy, she doesn't pick fights, she doesn't question or doubt me. She believes me, trusts me, and does everything I say. She is perfect for me. She's simple, and easy to get along with.

Her life is simple, I mean. She's a secretary. She lives in a regular house with a regular life. She only knows about my life what I've absolutely needed to tell her. She brings peace and quiet to my life at a time where I desperately need it.

There have been bombings all around the UK, and the authorities have been quick to pin the blame on The Brotherhood. Whatever group was committing these crimes, let the authorities continue to think it was us. But, targeting civilians has never been our MO. It never would be. Our leaders sent Niall, Liam, and I out to try and find out who was really to blame here.

This group targets any public civilian place with a high population. I should've known they would target this building. I had a gut feeling but brushed it off, thinking I was being too paranoid or protective.

Monica works for a law firm that is located in one of the only tall buildings in Belfast. There are dozens of companies that rent office space in the building, making it the perfect target. I should've fucking known.

"Okay, turn here!" I shouted at Liam as we swerved in and out of city traffic.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck," I mumbled to myself.

My heart was racing, and the adrenaline was coursing through my body. We had gotten the tip on the location just thirty minutes earlier, and the clubhouse is 45 minutes from the city.

This group had also sent the tip to the police and the media, so the phone lines were busy. I couldn't get through to Monica to warn her. I could only hope police started the evacuation process.

"It's 11:58, Liam, go faster," I demanded.

"Harry, I'm trying," he snapped back. Traffic was insane. We had two minutes to get to a place five minutes away.

We heard the blast before we could see it. It felt like an earthquake hit, and my stomach dropped. "Get as close as you can, we can run the rest of the way."

Liam made it a few blocks away. Smoke, ash, debris, and dust clouded the sky. The sounds of screams and sirens filled my ears as I ran straight into the cloud. Half the building was engulfed in flames, the other half was crumbling.

"Monica!" I tried shouting. It felt like screaming into the void.

Niall, Liam, and I sifted through as much of the debris as we could. Sweat coated my skin, along with a thick layer of ash.

It felt like only a few minutes had past, but it must have been a few hours of searching.

"Harry...I don't think we're gonna find her," Niall spoke sympathetically.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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