Chpt 10

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I woke up in the boys basement, I could hear shouting and pacing above me, but I could hear something else, moaning. I turned my head and saw Kay holding her head. "oh my... Kay"

There was something wrong, her head was down and she was mumbling.

This is all my fault, I was the one who did this and had Chris and Kay meet. suddenly just thinking about one of the boys mad me mad, my thoughts shifted from Kay to the boys, the I erupted "GET.ME.OUUUUUUTTTTTT." I screamed I looked over and saw Kay look up, she had one black eye and a busted lip.

Now I was mad so I erupted again "GETTTTTTT MEEEEE AWAY FROM THESE CREEEEEEEEPPSSSS" I could hear foot steps from upstairs, then Pedro ( carrieing miss.Regina with a blindfold on), Matt, Chris, Niko, and Reggi bursted threw the door. Pedro sat Regina on a chair and tied her down. then Chris came over with bloodshot eyes and whacked my face, his mouth formed a straight line and his eyes stayed looked on mine, then he pulled me up and took me to a room, then he locked the door behind him, as he did that I heard pounding on the door, Chris opened it and I caught a glimpse of Reggi telling him somthing, but I zoned out of the convo to look around

My hart drooped as I did, it had a bed, and a wall full of weapons, I felt like I was going to faint, and I did.

Hi peeps, so if you haven't go check out my new book "froze" it's about a girl and her friends who get stuck on a snowy road, will they find help? Will they freeze/ starve to death? Find out in froze!!!

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