Hunting trip

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To be a hunter is not piece of cake , we really to be a diligent for it .
Hunt means kills someone for food or other thing . As like , hunters kill the animal for eating and luxury life , but it leads to extinction of animal .however , hunting is not stupendous, but now a days people fond to hunt animals for making coats , rugs etc.
I am not a hunter , even I adore animals but my friend merlin who fond to hunt animal ; he belongs to family where everyone is hunter , even his family trained him how to hunt animal and from the age of seven , he started hunting . So now he became a legit hunter ,but when he was with me or spend time me , he didn't talk about hunting because he knew that I abhor hunting coz it endanger animal , but after living with merlin for a long time ; I was also taking fascinate in hunting , even merlin commenced giving me training of hunting. I can't believe it that I was hunting but now , I abandon it because my mom didn't like hunting and when first time , I hunted , I felt over the moon and it was really legit experience ever and even I can't share my feelings and experience with anyone ,but I endeavour to share it . Me and Merlin was good friends from childhood nevertheless now we dunno talk much . Anyways , when we were in 7th standard ; he knew how to hunt but I didn't know coz I was much intriguing in studies rather than other activities . Even , at that time hunting was a hot potato which everyone fond to do except me or some other people .but after many years I also fond to do .
How you fond to do that even you hare it more?
As , I went with Merlin in plenty of places where he hunted animals . however, our last trip towards one forest named changa manga , it is smallest forest in Pakistan. At beginning , we stayed at Punjab for three days and after that we went towards changa manga forest , we didn't stay their for long time because it menacing place ever . So when we went their , we were puzzled that what to do . So Merlin commenced hunting to birds while I was feeling monotonous because it's been one hour ,I was continuously looking at him . Even , he insisted me many time to hunt ,but I said him ,"I don't wanna to hunt." So after two hours, I went to him and said him that I wanted to do hunting so he trained me and told me that how to use gun and then I took gun from him and inaugurated hunting. Even I killed that bird which he was endeavouring to assassinate and he really applauded me . After three or four hours , we both worn out , so we decided to go back and when we were going toward bus . In our way , we saw hordes of people were standing at right side of forest , so we proceeded towards their and there was competition of hunting . We inquired from eachother weather we should participate in it and then we decided to participate. When the competition commenced , we endeavours our best to get triumph and after a good hour when results announced so my friend Merlin got first position in competition, I really felt over the moon for hun while I got third position, even I can't believe that but when my name announced I felt on top of the world . Everyone applauded us and then we went towards our hotel , as we were in Punjab.
It was just an amazing and legit trip ever , as I experienced something new and disparate thing and it's unforgettable trip ever . Really long for these days.
Hunting is not my passion but when I commenced my feelings was bit disparate for me .

Thankyou so much for reading 🙏

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