Hungry mickey

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Hungry mickey
"Starving ! Starving ! starving! Can I get a food , no one replies oops "
Ella : Mickey! Why are you feeling grief ?
Mickey : I hadn't eaten anything since last morning.
Ella : oh! I waited for you since 3O'clock but I didn't find you that's why I gave food to lil mickey .
Mickey: alas! it's really a bad hair day ever .
Ella : what happened my innocent mickey ?
Mickey : starving insist us to do anything in our life even we can sometime lie while sometime stole things or sometimes nays and yeas nevertheless when we felt starving ; we endeavoured to find something and when we didn't find anything. We felt sorrow.
It was pouring with chilly weather. Everywhere there were water in the other hand , Everyone were endeavouring to complete their slog and went to home instantly . And There's me little and innocent mickey who was feeling sorrow as for not finding food . However, i abondaned from my home when my mother said me ,"dunno go outside for playing otherwise I will not give you food ." ( I knew that she would give me food but I tried to go somewhere so that i can save from mama's scold) by doing so , when I went to streets , I was feeling starving and there were nothing to eat moreover I went to one shop to bought dog corn muffins when I merely put one muffin corn from cupboard and commenced to eat . When shopkeeper saw me I inaugurated run like the wind and took only two muffins with me , even I didn't pay for it and moreover I went toward another shop . When I entered their ; there were plenty of people in queue so I stood in queue namely , I waited for 1 hour but my turn didn't come so that's why I left shop with sorrow face and it's 8 O'clock ; put differently I didn't know where I was , as I never went somewhere without my mom so it's not my cup of tea to find out way to my home though I decided to stay at streets for whole night and would go home at morning so I slept there but because of starving I couldn't sleep better . It was 2:00 am , I was sitting at foot path and grazing here and there ,but there were no one so that's why I decided to move somewhere else on the other hand , I was hoping to find out my home as soon as possible . Moreover, I commenced to amble, I was going in straight way apparently dog barked as I really petrified by dogs so I run as like wind toward somewhere however , I run for 2 hours and dog was running towards me even I was exhausted but had to run like a wind so that dog can't nibble me and hopefully after running for 2 hours , dog also felt worn out so he sat down on street . When I saw it , I felt over the moon and sat on foot path and it was 5 am. As , I was worn out so I decided to take a short nap and slept there afterwards I roused at 8 am when sun rised . I was starving so I went to one shop even I didn't had mitigate money to purchase five or six dog muffin corn in contrast  I purchased 2 muffins . furthermore I ambled slowly and in my way ; I inquired man that where was Disney land?
He replied," dunno ask me anything otherwise I will assassinate you ." In wrath manner
In contrastly, I moved straight but I didn't know where I was going and in my way ; I inquired once again with another man and  he told me the way to Disney land , when he told me , I felt exhilarate and really conceive that he was gentle guy because in this world , no one assist anyone neither best friend nor relatives ; I gratitude to him and I moved to their where he told me . furthermore , after ambling 3 hours , I reached at my society at 5:00 pm . I found you at gate and that's how I spend my whole days , bad hair day . After talking to her , I instantly went to home and hug my mother besides that she said ,"where were you , I checked you everywhere but didn't find you, I was really feeling sorrow."
"Apologies mama , I will not go anywhere without you and mama please give me food . I am starving!"
"Take it "
When mama passed me , my hands were slippery that's why it fell even that was last plate of muffins . As, everyone had eaten on their fill so it was last for me however, I insist mama to check in cupboard and when she unlatched the cupboard, there were no muffins. When I saw that , I conceived that how much atrocious I was ? After wards , I acquired mama for something else ,but there were only one or two corns that I abhor more ,anyways that time I didn't have anything to eat that's why I ate that and then my mama inquired me ,"what happened yesterday?" I told her full story.
In conclude ; dunno go anywhere without your parents, if you are like me because it's enviable to find out way .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2022 ⏰

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