Chapter 5

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In the rising sun, Achilles was on his Godly Horses, racing towards the Spartan Kingdom. He neither knew or cared they had a thousand men in their army. He was to slaughter them all. Only once had he managed that, would he be able to redeem himself to the Gods, and avenge his fellow Myrmidons. This was his last chance, to prove himself as a true warrior, and he knew it. He charged, and an inhuman strength came into him, his eyes and body glowing with red, godly essence. Swirls of red mist flew around him, clashing against each other and forming great blasts of energy. Achilles drove his flaming spear into anyone that came close, and his steed ran over hundreds of warriors. His whole body moved with the synchronization and preciseness of a god, deftly neutralizing and countering the furious attacks that were directed at him, but still it was not enough. He felt his limbs being sliced off, every part of him screaming to stop. But he charged on ruthlessly, his eyes, and everything around him glowing crimson. He hurled large stones into enemy ranks, smashed his fists into the ground to create a massive earthquake. Even when his body was finally hunted down and killed, his spirit sent fireballs mercilessly eradicating Spartans.

Four remained. The four legends of Sparta. All glaring daggers at him.

Achilles grinned like a psychopath. "Come at me. I'd like to see you try."

His sword flashed before they had time to react, and knocked a another into the sky. Achilles' eyes flashed with golden light and he lunged at the first, eradicating him. The light exploded around him and the other two fell backwards, grunting in pain. It was him and the final Spartan Warrior. Achilles gasped as the other took off his helmet.

"Recognize me?"

"You'll be the one lying in the dirt when I'm finished."

Achilles threw his sword down and launched himself straight at his opponent. But the final Spartan blocked each attack effortlessly, and Achilles began to feel his strength fading. 

"Face it. I'm better than you. I beat you in your previous state, and I can beat you again."

Achilles grunted. 

"Not if we have anything to say about it."

Xanthus whinnied and brought his foot down on Leonidas, knocking him away from Achilles. But the Spartan recovered immediately and smashed his fist down on Xanthus, killing him instantly. With a yell of rage, Achilles sprung towards him and they engaged in battle once again.

"You really think that makes a difference?" Leonidas raised his fist again. But Achilles dodged and he roared, releasing a final burst of Godly energy. The smoke cleared, and both of them were lying dead on the cold floor.

Achilles had succeeded. He had finally avenged the Myrmidons, and the gods had seen it all. His lifeless body rose to the Heavens, gleaming with new godly power, soon to fight another battle.

Nothing could stop him now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2021 ⏰

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