chapter 1

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1? 2? 3? 4? 5? Yeah 5. I've been running for 5 minutes now. Running from what you may ask? Mr. Hernandez. The cop of our somewhat small town here in Texas. Where basically everyone know everyone.

Up ahead is where I'm turning left. What a mistake that was. 4 that was now my 4th time getting arrested. Here I am being pinned down with my arm pulled behind my back by Bennet. I felt something cool go around my wrists. A hand grabbed onto my shoulders and pulled me up.

"Why do you always run Y/N? You know were just going to catch you"

I rolled my eyes. Even though hernandez always catches me. He's a pretty chill guy.

We got to his car and he stuffed me into the back of the cop car. "Alright Y/N. Let's get you back home."

" don't even bother. The smiths left."
He turned around in his seat. "What do you mean?"

"I came home yesterday and almost everything was gone. Their car their clothes, pictures. Gone."
He turned back around and rubbed his temples.  He started his car up and drove off. I'm guessing were going to my social workers house.

After a short drive of constant life advice from hernandez we finally arrived at my social workers house. I was pulled out of the car and up to the front door. Since it was only about 9 o'clock I'm guessing he hasn't gone to bed yet. Also the fact that every light in his house is on. After a couple of seconds he opened the door. He looked at hernandez confused then he realized me.  He let out a deep sigh, and gestured for us to come in.

"What did she do this time jerry?" As hernandez was freeing me of the handcuffs he spoke up. "Bennet and I found her in the ally earlier just went up to talk to her and she started running. Other officers found some weed in her bag that she left behind.

" Jackson took in a deep breath and let it out. "And why is she here and not with Mr. And Mrs. Smith?" I walked over to the couch and sat down with my feet on the table.
"Well turns out they skipped town and packed everything up and left y/n."Jackson nodded his head. Alright well thank you jerry for bringing her here."

"No problem jackson." With that officer hernandez walked out the door. Jackson shut the door and walked over to me. When he got near me he hit my feet off the table.

"Y/n. Kid. What are you doing. Why are you always causing so much trouble. Don't you want to be adopted?"
I crossed my arms over my chest. "Maybe I don't want to get adopted. Maybe I like going foster care to foster care."

"Y/n both you and I know that's not true. You're always complaining about how you hate every foster parent. Why do you keep getting in trouble?"

"Maybe because I like to get into trouble."
He sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.

"Y/n your 14, two years till your 16. You can get a job but at the rate your going. You won't be able to get one. When was the last time you signed into your online courses?"
I sighed and grabbed the blanket at the end of the couch and laid back. I heard him sigh.

"just hear me out y/n you can't keep doing this someday they aren't going to just let you off with a warning and you could get in some serious trouble... Now get some sleep kid. We have a long day a head of us.
I just grumbled in response.

I don't know maybe he's right. Oh well... I'll sleep on it.

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