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Jack was sweating profusely

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Jack was sweating profusely. There was a vein bulging from his temple in an overwhelming sign of stress. He knew he looked like he was half-dead, but he had larger issues to worry about.

He'd invited Freddie, Jamie, James, Barnaby and Molly to his parent's house. They were all sat in the living room along with his mum and dad, waiting patiently. He could hear them conversing with eachother, all voicing their confusion and mumbling about his weird behaviour, thinking that he couldn't hear them. Of course he could. He'd been delaying his speech for almost half an hour out of fear and had instead been hiding behind the door listening to their every word.

He decided he would tell them. It was only fair. He'd known all his life and, to be fair, he knew that they knew that he wasn't remotely straight. His personality gave it away. His speech, his hand gestures. Hell, the way he practically rode Freddie whilst giving him CPR. It all gave him a massive kick that he wasn't even trying to hide.

But he wasn't getting any younger, and he knew the issue of marriage and children would pop up sooner rather than later, regarding how he was the oldest sibling.

But he wasn't planning on any of that.

Jack Whitehall is gay. And he decided that it was his  family and closest friend's rights to know.

He took a deep breath, opening the living room door and walking in with false confidence, standing in front of the two couches which sat said friends and family. He faltered slightly at their studying gazes.

"I guess you want to know why I've invited you here this evening." He spoke formally, trying to conceal his erratic shaking. He wasn't doing a good job. They could all see.

"Yeah, to be honest Jack, I have other places to be." Jamie joked, but Jack didn't laugh. His breathing only elevated in speed, his lungs pumping faster than they should. His hyperventilating was beginning to become obvious.

"Well, I... Um... I think you should all know that..." Jack stopped himself. His mouth was dry and his tongue began to swell under the pressure. He dragged his hands down his face, whimpering slightly as his head pounded in anxiety. His tall stance was quivering. He looked awful.

"Jack, do you want a drink? This must be important." Molly kindly whispered. Jack shook his head. He didn't want to drink, he couldn't give himself any more excuses to delay the inevitable.

"No, Molly... I'm... I'm..." Jack slurred, he couldn't voice the words. It felt wrong coming out of his mouth. It felt wrong being so open about it. He clasped his hands together in a feeble attempt to prevent them from flailing around in a foolish way of explaining himself. He finally looked up from the ground, his nervous eyes flitting around at his friends and family. They were all staring at him in the same way: concern. Genuine concern. Jack decided that he didn't want to tread softly around the subject any more.

"I'm gay." He announced. Well, he more whispered. But they all heard. Nobody spoke, and Jack didn't dare lift his gaze a second time.

"I'm sorry." He sobbed, breaking down. He let himself fall to the floor, sobbing uncontrollably and probably pathetically, but he didn't care. He knew he'd see disgust and anger in everyone's faces, and he didn't want to. He wanted love and acceptance. So he let himself cry.

A warm hand was patting his back softly, the small movement doing wonders to calm Jack's nerves. He looked up and was met by his mother's accepting gaze.

"Jack, stop crying dear." She soothed. Jack sniffled, rubbing his nose. He sat up and faced his father, who wasn't smiling. He stood up and encased his mother into a hug, more to reassure himself.

"Jack," Michael growled. Jack flinched in his mother's hold, "it's okay." He said softer, more relaxed. Jack let go of his mother and let her join his father.

"It's okay, Jack. We've known. Forever." She admitted. Jack sighed.

"So, it's okay? You don't want to disown me?" He mumbled. They both shook their heads. Jack sighed heavier, relief flooding his veins.

"Yeah, Jack. It's all cool. To be honest me and Barny have spoken to each other about it. It was just a matter of when you were going to tell us." Molly inputted, Barnaby nodding along. Jack smiled widely, fresh tears springing from his eyelids. This time, though, in happiness, not fear.

"We'll leave you to talk to your friends." His mother said lovingly. Jack nodded.

His father, mother and brother and sister left the room and closed the door behind them, leaving James, Jamie and Freddie. Jack's closest friends that he trusted the most in the world. He sat down on the now empty couch. His nerves we're back, pricking at him like stinging nettles in his veins. Freddie could see that he was getting nervous, and cracked a cheeky grin.

"You got the horn whilst giving me CPR, didn't ya?" Freddie laughed. Jack's eyes widened and he became instantly defensive, afraid of his friend's reaction.

"I'm sorry, Freddie, I didn't think you'd ever find out and-"

"Hey, it's cool. I knew you were enjoying it. You like a big strong bloke to take care of you, don't ya?" Freddie interrupted Jack's stutters of fear. Jack puffed out a breath that he didn't know he'd been holding. James and Jamie laughed loudy as they encased Jack into a group hug, Freddie joining quickly and wrapping his arms around them all.

Jack smiled. He was accepted. It was all okay.

"You don't mind that I'm gay, then?" Jack muttered after a while, still slightly apprehensive. They all cackled.

"No, we don't care." They all spoke in unison. Jack grinned.

He was gay. And they didn't care.

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