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"You could've just told me you were gay, you know?"

Joseph gasped in pain from stubbing his toe against the corner of the doorway.

"Suzi, what the he- what? Wait, repeat that?"

"You could've just told me you were gay... I'm not going to judge you if that's why you were avoiding me," Suzi repeated and mumbled in concern from Joseph stubbing his toe.

"Wait I- wait. Sorry, I think you got it all wrong. It's not because I'm... gay or whatever," Joseph sighed.

"Oh? What is it then?" Suzi questioned.

Joseph opened his mouth, the truth nearly slipping past his lips.

"...Nevermind you're right!" Joseph chuckled nervously.


Joseph turned around and noticed Caesar catching up to the two of them.

"Are you guys heading to lunch already?" Caesar asked as he gave a small wave to Suzi.

Joseph gave a small nod as the trio walked down the hallway. He planned on meeting up with Smokey to maybe skip their class after lunch, but Caesar had different plans. The tall blonde intertwined his fingers with Joseph and brought him out along the courtyard.

"Caesar- hey, what are you doing? Are we not going to the others?" Joseph asked while slightly tripping from Caesar's fast pace.

"Don't you think we need some alone time? You confessed after all," he mentioned.

The pair stopped near a shaded area covered by multiple trees and took a seat.

"Stop being annoying and sit down already, Jojo," Caesar scolded and Joseph plopped down almost immediately.

It's awkward. Joseph was blank in his mind having no idea how relationships work, especially one between the same gender.  Let alone the person he's dating is grumpy as hell and Joseph had some other accidents with Caesar in the past too. He certainly haven't thought this incident through this time.

As Joseph stared cluelessly in the sky, Caesar made small glances to Joseph. Happiness filled his chest seeing Joseph well right in front of him.

A second chance was granted to him and Caesar wouldn't let it go to waste.

To have Joseph by his side again.

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