43 - His Own Terms

541 31 12

Present Day

Dream POV

Apparently, Dream should've packed sunscreen for his one-day flight to kidnap a woman. He's currently sprawled out in a field next to Schlatt's broken-down sports car, brutally aware of the sun beating down on his skin. 

This is the first time Dream's been able to rest in... 23 hours. He hasn't slept in a lot more. Schlatt's fixated on catching up to Techno and Y/N as quickly as possible and is taking it out on Dream. He's tired, hungry, thirsty, and soon, sunburned.

The sunburn might be the only thing he won't be able to handle.

Ben finally sent the details for where exactly they're going. Some giant estate just across the Canadian border. He didn't elaborate, but... Dream knows.

He should've figured it out immediately; as soon as he saw Techno going north. Of course, he's taking Y/N up there. He thinks it's safe. He doesn't know.

"Hey, kid! Come hold this up for me." Schlatt's using his sunglasses as a headband as he leans over the popped hood of his car. Dream doesn't even spare him a glance. 


"You don't get a choice. C'mere."

"Nope," Dream pops the p.

"Do you want to get to Canada before dark?" Schlatt walks to stand above Dream, blocking the sun from his eyes.

"Not really."

Schlatt scoffs. "The car's already drivable, I just need help-"

"You need help?" Dream sits up. "I've been driving nonstop for days. I haven't slept- I- I haven't eaten or drank anything since we left Florida. I'm not going to help you keep that fucking sports car in mint condition!"

"Is that how you feel?" Schlatt leans down with a sneer. "Why don't I leave you here in the middle of nowhere, huh?"

"Y'know," Dream wills his aching body up to regain his height on Schlatt. "I really wish you would. I would have a better chance at survival if you dropped me off in the middle of the fucking Sahara. But you won't. You..." Dream inches his face closer. "Can't."

"I can do whatever the hell I want, Dream-y boy. You've just been useful enough to me to keep around."

"You know I'm Ben's favorite. You know what'll happen to you if I go missing on your watch."

"Watch it," Schlatt seethes.

The blood boiling just under Dream's skin starts prickling to the surface. His furrowed brow and grinding teeth not able to hold his anger at bay. A tight fist is barely able to form at his side when he mutters "watch this" and takes a swift step back to send that fist flying.

His knuckles connect with cheekbone with a devastating crack. Schlatt's head soars, his entire body following. He slams to the ground at the same time Dream does, cradling his fist. There's definitely a few broken bones in there, but he's fully conscious, so that's a win. 


Dream slowly gathers himself, getting his malnourished body on his feet. Schlatt said the car's driveable, the engines on, so Dream can just...

He nudges the hood closed on his way over to the car door. Sitting behind the wheel, Dream breathes for what feels like the first time in days. He's getting to Canada. And it's on his own terms.

Florida - 4 Years Ago

Standing feet away from the entrance Dream watches as streamer kid ducks into the same coffeeshop as last time. He always walks with his head down so Dream doesn't have to actually hide to stay out of his line of sight. 

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