53 - He's New

346 12 4

TW: slight manipulation, power dynamics (skip flashback if you don't want to read)

Present Day

Dream POV

There really are two computers on opposite ends of this bedroom with a twin size in between. Huh. He didn't believe Kilo at first, but here they are. 

"I've been dreaming about kicking your ass in Minecraft since I heard you got famous," they plop down on a chair and reach to turn one of the computers on before chuckling. "Get it, dreaming."

"I get it." Dream can feel his nerves racing around, trickling up his arms and down his spine. He doesn't know this person at all. He doesn't know if they know what he's done or if they even care.

Threatening to kick his ass can probably give him an idea, though. 

"Why two computers?" He, very stiffly, sits down at the other screen.

"We don't have time to get into my personal lore," they wave off. "Minecraft's on both of these, though."

What are Y/N and Techno talking about now that Dream's stuck in here? Are they even acknowledging what he told them or are they coming up with their own plan? Did Kilo bring him in here as a distraction so they can sneak out and leave him stranded in Canada?

"Did you, like, save them, or something?" Kilo leans back in their chair as the computer in front of Dream barely starts turning on. "Y/N said they were 'locked up for hours' or whatever and suddenly you're there with a fuckin' plastic door and the look of a caught candy-napping kid, so... What? You come from- oh... no, you come from Florida. Right. I knew that."

Are they just talking to themself? Dream can't begin to come up with a response to what he just heard. Well, other than "...yes?"

"Yes you're from Florida or- oh yeah, yes you saved them. Cool, cool. I woulda saved them if I had, y'know, known, so."

If Minecraft could load any faster, that would be fantastic. "Didn't mean to ruin your thunder by driving all the way to Canada by myself," he mumbles like an upset teenager.

They don't respond, they just bring their knee up to their chest and open a server both of these accounts are connected to. 

Dream has so many questions.

Florida - 4 Years Ago

Dream POV

"What game is this, kid?" Ben comes up behind Dream. He flinches.

"Oh, u-uh," Dream fumbles, "Minecraft. It's a stream, I'm not playing it. I don't know how."

The flight from Orlando to Chicago is only three hours, but Techno nervously reminded Dream before he left that he was going to stream so Dream knew he had to get the wifi password for this jet so he could watch it live. 

He's only been in this jet once before, but he just can tell it's Ben's. The champagne coloring,  the blatant, in-your-face extravagance of everything in here, it's so painfully him.

"You're watching someone else play a game you don't know how to play?" Ben chuckles and slaps a hand on Dream's shoulder. "I'll never understand your generation," and sits on the beige seat across from where Dream is huddled.

"My, uh, friend asked me to watch, so," please go away

Ben raises an eyebrow and leans back. Didn't Schlatt end up coming, too? Why can't Ben bother him?

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