Side story.1 - Avoid repetition

437 27 54

[I am soooo sorry for not publishing 😭]

[Please be mindful of errors and typos]

"We need to talk."

I panic for a bit and looked around. "L-later, Nesia! I still need to find medicine for Laysia! He's gonna have a massive headache later!" I reasoned and moved past an ocean of people before I was yanked back by Nesia.

"Let's talk. No more stalling."

I gulped and nodded before Nesia pulled me away from the kitchen and out to the backyard where there were fewer people.

"Pearl...please tell me honestly... Are you ashamed of us?" I look away. "Philip, look at me." I refused.

I heard Nesia sigh, "fine. But can least tell me why?" I shaked my head.

"........ Is it because of the polygamy? Are you scared that people are going to judge us?"

I hugged myself and nodded reluctantly.

I hear Nesia clicking his tongue before walking away from me.

Damnit... Why must I always be embarassed of my relationships?

"So I was right."

I flinched and I looked behind me to see America. "Wh-what?" America sighs as he approached me. "You really need to stop hiding, Phil. Your frie- ...
boyfriends are hurt because of your denial to accept your relationship. All because you're worried of what other people will think."

I looked down, but I felt his hands on my shoulder, making me look back up at him again. "I can see that you love them a lot, so make sure that this doesn't end the same way as we did."

I nodded. That's right.. Although I loved him, I resented our relationship, I refused to accept it which eventually became the reason for him finding someone else...

"Alright...thank you...Joe."

He smiles and tousles my hair. "No problem, Phil."

I smiled before running back to find Nesia.

U S A  '  S   P O V:

Joe...hadn't heard that nickname in almost two years.

I sighed and chuckled.

"I wish you find peace and prosperity in your new relationship.", I smile before walking to the very back of the backyard. I can see a few people smoking pot and making out.

I felt vibrations from my pocket so I pulled my phone out and checked who the caller is before sighing and answering it. "Hey babe."

"Pick mee uuppp!!!!" She sobs, I could tell that she's drunk. "Err..sure. Where are you?" I asked, "outside Maroon Hearts..." Maroon Hearts? Isn't that a strip club?

"Alright. I'll be there as soon as I can."


"Okay okay!" I click my tongue and jumped over the fence before jogging to Spain's parking lot and hopping into my car.

I'll just text my brothers that I won't be able to take them home tonight. Sigh

N  E  S  I  A   '  S   P O V:

"Maaallaaaayyy!! Neesssiiiaaaa!!" The door bursted open and I can see Phil sobbing and stumbling over to us and then flopping on top of Malaysia who groans.

"Neessss *hic* mahal kitaaaa *hic* mahal ko kayoooooo *sobs*" I don't necessarily know what he's saying, but I think I know what he's trying to convey.

Malaysia grumbles, he's still passed out, but I already gave him his medicine as Philip intended to do earlier.

I sigh and patted Philip's head. "Are you drunk?" His face is red and is burning up, but he only shakes his head. "No.." I sigh and tousled his hair. It's obvious that he is.

"Why did you drink?"

"Got lost...found..bottle...drank." I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. "You really shouldn't go around and drinking bottles you randomly see! What if it was spiked with aphrodisiac?!" I scolded. But I know that there's no point in scolding or arguing with a drunk person. You will never win against them.

"Mahal ko kayo..." He sniffles and buried his face on Malaysia.

I sigh and stood, maybe I could ask Spain if we could stay over for tonight..

The next day, we woke up to a bunch of people laying in all different places and wasted. I was responsible for the two so I had to carry them both out, which wasn't hard since they're both small compared to me. I was about to bid Spain goodbye til I saw him inside a keg barrel so I just left.

I laid Mal and Philip in the back where the two cuddled with each other.

But it won't be long til one of them pukes on the other.

Once I started the car and started to drive in the lone highway, I started to question a few things... Why would Phil suddenly say all those things? Was he trying to apologize? Does that mean he finally accepts us?

I clicked my tongue and continued to drive.

As expected. Malaysia woke up sick, and Philip with a massive hangover. While I was driving earlier, I received a call from America who alerted me that Phil has an alcohol issue which was really helpful.

But, I never really saw him as the type to have an alcohol addiction.

"Phiiiilll...." Malaysia groans, I rolled my eyes. Yes, we share a room now. Since our rooms were beside each other, papa ASEAN suggested that we destroy the walls and merge our rooms together. So we did. We also got a king sized bed and a walk-in closet since Phil and I both have a huge collection of clothes.

"Phil's not here." I said and Malaysia opened his eyes, clutching the blankets with his hands, his cheeks are puffy and his eyes are sore and red. "Whyyyy????" He whines. "Phil is in the bathroom puking."

Malaysia looks down at the bed before back up at me.

". . .Is he pregnant?"




"Why on earth would you think Phil is pregnant ha?! That's stupid!"

"Cuz! Last night we fucked without a condom!"




"Why are you guys shouting..?"

We turned our heads to Phil who just got out of the bathroom, I was about to help him but Malaysia stood up and ran to him like lightning speed and hugged him. But since both of them are in their weakest state, the two fell down on the floor.

"Oh for fuck's sake, Malaysia!"

I groaned and helped them up.

Pregnant huh?

I wonder what that would be like..

A family of our own..

I can see it..

The smile on their faces...

So beautiful...

But it's impossible...


No.. no.

It's too dangerous..

[A/N: *giggles maniacally]

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