Flawed Series

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Flawed Series is all about the boys full of flaws, flawed existence, past with so many flaws. But... They managed to hold on.

Benedict Patrick Navacilla managed to look for light.

Klent Ford Villaflor managed to move forward with his life.

Aristotle Deogracia realized that there were no choices after all.

Lyandrei Santos finally felt the warmth he always longed for.

Mark Yvan Bautista went back to that embrace he once called home.

Servi Kiel Contis finally saw the smile he took for granted.

They were a group full of flaws. Full of secrets. As in the end, we are all flawed.

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Flawed Series #1

Benedict Patrick Navacilla

Behind His Smiles (Flawed Series #1)Where stories live. Discover now