chapter one.

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Chesters POV:

i got to school a little earlier than usual today. i went inside and started looking for carla. carla was my best friend. also the only friend i had. everyone usually bullied me and made fun of me. she was the only one who was nice to me. i had something really big to tell her though. i had been thinking about if for a long time. since i was little i felt like i liked guys more than girls. but i didn't think much of it. but now i was almost 100% sure i was gay. but i didn't know if she would support me or not. i guess i would find out in a minute because i saw her by her locker.

Chester: hey carla!
Carla: chester hey! how are you??
Chester: i'm okay.... what about you??
Carla: i guess im okay too it's just..
Chester: your parents? don't worry my parents have been being horrible too.
Carla: yeah... im glad i have someone who can relate to me...
Chester: yeah well uh.... i kinda need to tell you something....
Carla: yeah?
Chester: well uh.. i- i-
Carla: just say your gay.
Chester: i'm- wait what?
Carla: yeah i know your gay. it's pretty obvious.
Chester: really?? s- so do you think anyone e- else knows???.....
Carla: nah. other people are so dumb.
Chester: i- im sorry....
Carla: for what???
Chester: i- i thought you didn't support me... all i've ever heard is that being gay is gross....
Carla: chester! being gay is not gross! it might make you think your "different" but your not! love is love. id be wrong not to support you and who you love.
Chester: do you really mean that...
Carla: of course i do. i'll always support you.
Chester: thanks carla....
Carla: of course. i'll always be h- oh no.
Chester: wh- oh no.

i looked behind me and saw parker. he was the one who bullied me the most. i hope he didn't hear what me and carla were saying....

Parker: haha finally the dumb nerd admits he's gay.
Chester: oh no.....
Parker: oh no is right. being gay is gross.
Chester: just shut up!

everyone gasped. i had never stood up to parker like that. no one had.

Chester: i- i said shut up! being gay is not gross. it's no different. i can love who i want and you shouldn't judge me.

it looked like he was about to hurt me until a teacher noticed and came over.

Parker: ugh whatever. see ya around gay nerd.
Teacher: parker!! that was not nice! chester are you okay?
Chester: y- yeah...
Teacher: chester. i don't have a class this period so i want you to come in my room for a bit so we can talk.
Chester: i- i- i- okay....

i was nervous for what was going to happen.... i hope she didn't punish me....

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