chapter six.

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(2 years later)

Parker's POV:

i knew for a bit chester wasn't REALLY dead. but i just didn't let anyone know. i mean i get why he faked his death. i was horrible to him before he got hit by the car who was actually carla. i just wish he would come back from wherever he was. i missed the feelings of him kissing me so much. i just missed how much he cared and how much of a great person he was. i wish he would come back. i just sat at my desk not really knowing what to do. until i heard a knock on my door. i sighed and went to open it. it was chester. a smile spread across my face.

Parker: c- chester oh my god- i knew you weren't really dead but oh my god.
Chester: i knew i couldn't fool you long.

i hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. after a few seconds he let go of me.

Chester: i'm sorry parker... i just needed time...
Parker: i understand... you could've just told me though...
Chester: i know but you know me. i like to do the "complicated" way. now come on! we should go out and have fun!
Parker: okay!!
Chester: oh i almost forgot. we never made it official with everything that was going on sooo will you be my boyfriend?
Parker: YES! i mean oh uh yeah that's cool...

he laughed then we stared at each other for a few minutes. i kissed him and it felt amazing since i hadn't got to do that for 2 years. i was so glad to have him.

chester x parker: enemies. Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora