Chapter 3 - The Lord's Plan

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While the others waited in the antechamber, Lirya entered Lord Rowan Throeyns's familiar study and looked around. Everything was exactly as it had been the last time she had been there. A large polished wooden desk dominated the center of the room. Towards one side, the entire wall was lined with bookshelves and the other side of the room held some comfortable chairs and a small table. Small glass cabinets decorated the wall near the chairs and held artifacts and heirlooms.

One such heirloom was a broadsword - named Echozar. The handle was made of fine leather bindings and the hilt held a shimmering ruby. The cross-guard was golden and had precious gems decorating it. The broadsword was sitting in its scabbard, made of hardened leather and then coated with a sheet of gold. The scabbard, too, was adorned with beautiful emeralds and amethysts. The sword was a treasured family heirloom bestowed upon the Throeyns family by the royal Blackroses for their contribution to the war efforts during the demon war.

Another artifact on display inside the glass cabinets was a delicate circlet, forged in the likeness of the ones the Guardians wore. It was fashioned out of sapphire—the crystal of the Guardian of Sanobar, the human kingdom—and had intricate gold embellishments curling over the solid glistening blue. While the Guardian circlets were beautiful and decorated, they were no less practical—they were made from the fine crystals mined deep within the dwarven mines under the island kingdom of Westik and were durable enough to withstand even the most devastating blows from the finest of weapons and spells.

At the back of the room, large windows offered a view of the sprawling mountain range and glittering sea beyond that. The sunlight streamed through the glass panes—the top windows were open to admit a light breeze carrying the scent of flowers, shooting intricate elongated shadows across the floor. The shadows of a rather large pine tree that stood outside the window swayed ever so slightly and a faint rustling sound could be heard as the bright green leaves brushed against one another.

"Lirya, I heard about the kidnapper," Lord Rowan said pleasantly, bringing her attention back to him, "I shall deal with him myself. I am glad to know you are well, as there is something of utmost importance that I wish to speak to you about. Would you kindly wait for me while I deal with the kidnapper first? Our own squire, I heard... most regrettable..."

Lirya nodded but said, "Jason was really nice, though. I don't think he meant anything bad.... So don't be too harsh on him, father."

Lord Rowan gave a small nod and Lirya left, satisfied. Jason entered Lord Rowan's study a moment later with a blank expression that betrayed nothing. The doors were firmly shut behind him and he flinched slightly.

He had never actually laid eyes upon the lord of the castle until this moment—he had answered to one of the knights in the castle and had been paid by the castle treasurer.

Lord Rowan Throeyns was a man that towered above all others, with sharp green eyes and a large hooked nose. He'd been handsome in his youth and the years had done little to dim those looks. A few lines under the eyes and an extra notch in his belt was all that had changed over the course of his life. His close cropped auburn hair had, over the years, attained grey strands mingled in with the brown.

Lord Rowan sat at his desk and opened one of the drawers, grabbing a pair of delicate reading lenses and perched them on his nose. His white silk shirt rustled as he adjusted his reading lenses, frowned, and then shuffled through some papers. He cleared his throat, the sapphire brooch fastened at his neck sparkling, and spoke.

"Your name is Jason, right? Jason Vern Kainley, then adopted son of the Kainley family. Currently working as a squire to one of my knights - Leyol, I believe? And now here you are, standing before me with the accusation of having kidnapped my beloved daughter. What do you have to say for yourself?" Lord Rowan asked, directing his stare at golden haired youth.

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