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" i'm home " he said to his empty home with a gloomy looks in his lavender coloured eyes .The surrounding was dark since it midnight, He shut the door behinds him and slowly went straight to the kitchen . He then began to open his white kitchen cabinet that same level  as his forehead . His arms stretch a little to grab the painkiller and aid kit .

he took 3 pills of it and swallow it without the liquid help to make it easier . As the pills slipping down his throat , his hands inquisitive for the antiseptic that he need to clean the scretches at his knuckle and at  the end of his lips . Its bleeding a little , poor his pretty face ..

The darkness doesn't seems to bother him finding it . The glass of water he took, to dilute the antiseptic . He dipped the cotton into the antiseptic and started with applying it  at the  scretches on  his knuckle. 4 cottons  were used to clean the wounds. The blooded cottons were  thrown to the bin beside his fridge .

" shit.." he hissed in pain  as the cotton touched the bruises at the end of his left side lips . His brows drew together and his eyes shut untill the third cottons got thrown to the bin. one of the cotton got a little blood stained while the other two just drenched with brown colour from the antiseptic .

He left the kid aid and cabinet door open . He brought his fatigue body to his bedroom . He tossed his black denim jacket then took of his white shirt before hit the hays .  In just a minute he already fell asleep . He slept with only jeans that he forgot to take off .


The cold night breeze made her body shiver , brisk walking and wishing to be home in this hour is what she needed the most . Anxiety filled her body as the street light suddenly shut , she just wanted to get home safely right now . She sighed in relief after she finally inside the door . She shut and locked the door behind her . Closed all the curtain an let the only light at the kitchen irradiate the home

Slowly she peek at her lilttle brother bedroom to make sure he already  sleep . She smiled as she saw Haru  sleep soundly . Haru is the only family member she have left . She don't want to lose him. Her smile started to fade  when she remind of her daily night job to support her and his brother medical bills.

The  hunger began to strike . she ignored her needs because its already 2 a.m , there's  no energy left to make herself some supper. She went to her room , the super single size bed is  her target right now . She slid down her work uniform which is the  maid dress that she wears everyday before heading to "work"

She changed to her comfortable  pyjamas , baggy pink shirt and a black short pants , the basic . She threw her bra off  that let a relief sighed sounds from her mouth . Its like the best thing ever to her . She then threw herself to bed .

She arched her back a little when she felt the phone at her back . She turned the phone on , the screen shows its 3 a.m " itch " the fact that there's 4 hours of sleep left pissed her off . She set the alarm  while hugging her 28 inches bolster and went straight to sleep .

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