First acquaintance

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"Thank you obachan!" Tenten waved goodbye to the owner of the shop. "It's dusk already, Haru must be starving" she sighed, her hand digging into the grocery bag searching for an ice cream cone she bought since her throat is dry after the long walk. The coldness of vanilla and chocolate ice cream surely gave satisfaction to her throat.

While she's enjoying her ice cream, she opened her grocery bag to make sure everything is there."Eggs checked spring onion checked, garlic powder checked, ramen checked, mochi??, where is it?" Her eyebrows furrowed in irritation. "Now I have to go back", It's Haru favourite dessert and she loves it too.

She quickly turned around and suddenly she collided with the slight lavender tints gazes. His eyes are so unique that leave Tenten speechless for a while. Neji looked down at his denim jacket that got dirty by her ice cream.

"There's nothing on my face, but here" Neji plainly said to the two buns girl and pointed with his gaze to the dirt-stained on his jacket.

Tenten blinked a few seconds after hearing his toneless voice. She felt like she's been hypnotised by his beautiful eyes for a moment.

"I..I'm, very sorry!, I'm in hurried actually" Tenten panicked after realized the incident, her face turned red. She throws her ice cream into the bin and quickly scoured for facial tissues inside the side pocket of her backpack.

She pulled out three sheets of tissue "I'm sorry again!" she apologized many times, her heart was riddled with guilt. She wiped off the ice cream smudged with tissues over and over again until the colour started to fade.

There's no response or reaction from him until she finished cleaning the mess she made. "Again I'm very sorry sir!" Tenten bows her head in front of him as she was saying she fully apologised to him.

Tenten behaviour just now surprisingly made the cold emotionless Neji chuckled a little. Tenten face turned pink, she knew that she's overreacting, but he doesn't have to embarrass her like that.

All of the sudden, he took a sheet of tissue from her hand. Tenten had no idea what he's gonna do. He lifts her chin gently, it's easier for him to look at her.

Tenten eyes widened, she's trembling "Are we gonna kiss? are we gonna get married? is he mad, is he a psycho? " she whispered her thoughts to herself.

"You love ice cream that much huh?" He said sarcastically while his hand was deliberately cleaning her grimy mouth. Tenten doesn't realise that she has ice cream on her chin and cheeks after she bumped into Neji. She froze there, no words just her cheeks turned to the dark shades of pink.

"T..thank you, sir and I'm sorry again" she apologised without looking at his face because she was too embarrassed. "Drop the sir, it's Neji," he said with a smile gesture. He's not hoping for Tenten to introduce her name and he understands that very well.

"Oh, nice to meet you N...Neji, I'm Tenten by the way" she scratches her hair and gave an awkward smile to him. "cute" his heart murmured. "Well, I'm in a hurry, goodbye!" She picked her grocery bag and began to walk herself.

"Need a ride?" He offered to Tenten, it's nearly dark and the atmosphere here was dreadful and empty. "I need to send this girl home safely" he whispered to himself.

"It's fine, 10 minutes walk and I'm home" She refused his bids obviously because he was a stranger. "Nah, stay here" he ordered, She didn't have time to say anything and he left her.

The engine sounds became clear and the lights glow make her eyes squinted.
Neji look at her and tilted his head to the right a little bit as he was saying let's go.

"It's fine! I can walk myself home" she gave an insincere smile, she took a big step and walk quickly to avoid the stranger that suddenly being nice to her.

Neji let the clumsy girl step away from him, he knows that any girl wouldn't be confident and comfortable enough to accept a free ride from strangers, especially men. His mind told him to just let her be but his heart tells otherwise.

He rides slowly to her that not far from his sight "I just want to send you home safely, besides it's dark already" he persuaded her slowly. Her mind busily collects the consequences and her eyes look at him carefully.

"I promise you" he said in a serious tone and change his postures into a ready. The way his tone changed, made her even more afraid to refuse his bids "I have to do what he wants or I'm dead".

"Oh... Alright," she answered then sat on the pillion behind him. Neji let off the rear brake and move. "After the traffic light, go straight and then take the last rights" She notified, Neji just gave a nod to that.

The stars are taking over the street lamps that are barely glowing, the cold night wind brushed her skin gently made her felt fresh.

She has to hold both sides of the pillion cushion to avoid getting closer to him. The passenger seats that were set a  little higher made her do that. "Where you live Neji?" She asked to break the silence."not far from here" he replied just that. She made an "ouhhh" sound.

He turned right and straight there was her apartment. Two silhouettes lean back on the old fences with bottles of drinks in their hands "hey pretty! Let's do threesomes!" One of them shouted. sideways glances from Neji made them step away. It's normal for her to face catcalled every night, she usually sprints as fast as she could.

They arrived, "Thank you Neji!, hope to see you again" She gave the sweetest smile to him, her heart approved to trust him. Neji replied with a head noded, He stayed there for a while to make sure she's inside her home. People can simply see the door from the street and there are only five floors.

For no reason, she waited behind the wall of the staircase and peek at him "he does keep his promise doesn't he" she smiled automatically. He can't saw her but he heard a door slam, he assumed that's her and he went away.


"Nee-chan you're late!" Haru's pouting as soon as she's inside. " Haru chan I'm sorry, aha! guess what I bought for you?" she raised her brows a few times

"What is it nee-chan, is it ice cream? chocolate? mochi?" His eyes glowed with hope. "Correct! I bought you mo..."  There isn't mochi inside the bag, "darn it!" She forgot. "Mo....ramen!" She took out the ramen and Haru pouting again.

"Aww Haru, I promise you I will get you your mochi tomorrow" they made a pinky promise together, " If you break it I will go buy it by myself nee-chan" Her hands ruffled his hair and chuckles. "I'm gonna make you some ramen for tonight alright?" Haru nodded and went to watch his favourite cartoon.

She cooked a pot of rice and some chickens soups with a lot of veggies. It's Friday night, she's gonna be super busy. While waiting for the chicken to fully cook, she took a quick shower since it's already 7:15, she has to be there at 8 pm.

Simple makeup, a little red lip tint, and just a coat of mascara already look like she wears falsies, her lashes are thick but not too curly. Slightly blusher and more of perfume. She Put on the French maid outfit, lace headband and lace choker, to complete the outfit she put on thighs fishnet stockings.

"Haru I may be late tonight, there's the chicken soup I just made in the fridge,  use the microwave the way I teach you alright?" Tenten trusts him because he's more mature than his age. "And don't forget to take your pills and sleep early alright!" she reminds her little brother again. "I know nee-chan, stop reminding me" He glared at his sister, she just reply with a chuckle.

" cabs are waiting for me, goodbye Haru" she kissed his cheeks and making sure she wear the very extra-large hoodie, pants and locked the door as soon as she's out. A 10 minute passed, and she arrived.

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