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Lets skip a few months :>,Oh also im posting another book after i finish this probly the season two of it or mybe a new book

*George is 5 months pregnant*

George pov
Bad,Fundy,and karl visited me We talk alot And they helped me From the pregnancy "Karl!"I Yell at the brown haired boy Who is eating my food "Why would you eat that you dummy!"I Said and sit beside him "I got hungry"He said I Smiled "Its fi-"I got cut off when the door slammed open There stoof The twins They Practically Run up to me And Hug me tightly

"Your gonna Squish the Babies Tommy tubbo"I Said they immidetly let go "i miss you gogy!"Tommy shouts and Hug me again i hugged back i mean its been 7 months Since i Seen this two

"AWW its fine tommy"i said They both Run around the house probly playing on my room "Jeez i need a day off"Fundy said while streching his back Today dream and dreamxd are gone probly busy

"I cook everyones favorite :D"Bad Said in a happy tone "I was thinking about A name for the babies What do you guys think?"I said Karl Is thinking while bad is busy Giving away the muffin he baked "i dont know why you asking us anyway?"Fundy ask "I dont know either Thats why im asking you guys dint you forget you said you'll help me to find a name dumbasd"I Said at him "I dont know wich name"Fundy said again

My mind was clouded on wich name i would give them 'i should probly Dont need a name for now ill just give it once ther born'I thought I saw that its midnight now I Look at them and their all fallen asleep I Just Stand up not wanting to wake them up and walk up to my bedroom To sleep comfortably

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