Chapter Twelve

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Thank-you so much for over 200 reads on this story! It means the world to me, please keep reading :) Allthetimeyousmile

I walked out of my room towards the dining room, since Mr Childs asked us to meet there. I was wearing a smart suit; it was cut well and fitted to my body. I took a seat and waited for Sammy to walk in; this meal was different to the first one. I waited outside Felicity’s door to see her in her stunning dress, but tonight I feel nothing. Nada. Not even a little bit of excitement to see Sammy, I think if she hadn’t made us fall out I would be. Since I was starting for fall for her slightly and I think I was making her fall too, but now we have both messed it up and I think tonight will be our fresh start.

I started to twiddle my thumbs; my gut was turning and turning. What if she doesn’t show up? What if this really is the end of ‘us’, even though there was no ‘us’ to start with? I started to watch the door, just waiting for a sign that a girl in a dress was coming through at any moment. I heard footsteps and instantly stood up, sorting my suit waiting for her. I looked expectantly to the door to see Mr Childs; my false smile dropped instantly and let out a groan of annoyance.

“I am guessing she has not left her room of yet?” he asked.

“No not of yet, do you think I should go to her room?” he held his finger to his chin and thought.

“Yes, why not? Give it ago and if it fails, more food for you.” I smile at his positive thoughts and walked past him. I walked across the wooden floors hearing my black shoes clicking against the floor. I covered the ground to her room; I knocked on her door three times. She opened the door not fully looking up.

“I have already told you Mr Childs I will not be eating with him tonight!” I sneered slightly towards her, before coughing to make her look up.

“Well he is here, and I would actually like to eat with you. So put on a dress and do something with what else girls do.” I turned on my heel and walked away from Sammy with her opened wide. I called back “you have fifteen minutes or Mr Childs cooking would go to waste!” and with that I just left her, now it really was up to her. She has the choice; we are either no longer friends or could be lovers. It’s a scary thing, to leave such a responsibility in another’s hands. I do not like it, not one bit.

I walked back into the dining room and sat in my seat, I waited and waited. It felt like a decade had past until she finally walked in. She did look beautiful but something was wrong. She wasn’t the beautiful I wanted, she was the beautiful that Tyler wanted. He wanted the girl who wouldn’t need that much ‘dedication’ in a way. It isn’t that she needs less love, it’s the fact that she doesn’t want all the expensive things, she is happy with just love. I wanted the girl who would keep me on my toes, the girl who needs the most of your time to show her your love. I wanted the girl who wanted to know where you were so that she knows you’re safe. Sammy seems to be the girl who would just accept you were not there and would wait for you to come home, she seems like the girl who wouldn’t want to hear about your day. She would listen but she would prefer to talk of other things not about the two of you.

“Are you happy now?” I looked at her, taking in this new look. She hadn’t tried; she picked the first dress in the wardrobe. Her hair was pulled up and it was obvious she was not wearing makeup, it hurt know she didn’t want to try for us.

“Yes, yes I am happy you came, I am glad you have accepted that we need to put our differences on the table and talk. That the two of us need to find out where we are and what we will become, because personally I would like to know. I don’t just want to be locked out, and have to wait another two months to find out. So I have a plan for the meal…are you not going to sit?” I indicated towards the seat in front of me, I waited until she sat down and continued.

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