Chapter Six

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Sorry for the long wait! I hope this is good enough for you all! I will update in two weeks time, enjoy! Oh listen to the song on the side! Its really nice :D Love Allthetimeyousmile :)x

Each group stood outside their tipis, all waiting for one of our teachers to come and tell us who is going with whom. I looked at the girls of our group and hoped that I could get Felicity for the first month just thinking about that would be great. I could show her even a farmer can be the love of her life, or that maybe she isn’t right for me. But come on that’s stupid of course she is right for me!

Mr Knight looked shattered, he had big dark circles. His body was curved inwards and his steps were slow as he walked towards my group. “Right, I have no patients so I am just going to tell you who are with whom and where you must stand. Got it?” we all nodded in his direction and he lifted the list to his eye level.

“Okay so, so…how do you say this…is it Nev-aya? Anyway that girl and Tyler…I want you to stand to the left of me. Then I want Henry,” he looked up and smiled at him nicely “and…oh Sammy to stand to the right of me and well you two should know you are together.” He looked at me and Felicity and shook his head and tutted at us.

“Okay now you are all going to use these portals to get you to your destined places. So Henry and Sammy hold on to this key please and count to three.” They did this and they vanished into thin air, we all gasped except for sir. “Tyler and Nev-aya…hold this boot, and count to five since your destined place is further.” They did this and once again they vanished into thin air.

“Now you two, you will have to count to fifteen. Please hold on to this bracelet tightly we don’t want you to get off a little too early.” We took hold of the bracelet, our knuckles touching looking into one another’s eyes. We started the count down and all I could do was lose myself in the blue of her eyes, they are so much better close up. The blue reminded me of the ocean, so vast of blue holding so many stories that I wanted to be told and be a part of. We finally got to fifteen; a wind started blowing around us just like a tornado. Her hair was going crazy around her the world was spinning around us as while we just stood still, I couldn’t help but smile…this was just amazing!

Just as suddenly it started it stopped, we landed on the soft, white sand to the sound of the waves crashing against the rocks. We both looked around and saw a beach house just a few steps away from the beach, the palm trees covered a small amount of the ground where a double hammock rested swinging in the small breeze.  We both let out a little gasp, it was beautiful. A man in a suit walked down the wooden steps from the door of the beech house, he was carrying a tray with two drinks for us.

“Welcome Mr Blackshaw and Miss White. I hope these drinks will keep you refreshed. My name is Meadows and I will be your butler for this month of your stay, if you ever want something please just ask.” He held his tray closer to us and we took the two drinks and took a sip, they were the best thing I have ever drunk. It was sweet and had a fruity taste, it tasted exotic and new. I like it; it was something that shows hope and chance that this could be the best month of my life.

“Would you like to follow me? I will show you your house you will live in for the next month.” We both nodded and followed him into the house; the floor was covered in white marble floor. The double doors were covered by white cotton curtains which were blowing in the wind; the house’s décor was simple yet expensive. The furniture was black and white and the walls were soft creams or white colours, each room had paintings on one wall. They were just amazing; one was a bird escaping from its cage into a huge woodland area. I kept looking at Felicity, her face just looked so happy, and it was all because of me!


The tour took over an hour, each room held such detail neither me nor Felicity could leave until we had discovered it all. We learnt we had a three maids and a chef who works day and night, we could call him up a two in the morning and he will make us anything! I think that is amazing, just the thought that someone being bothered to is pretty awesome…

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